I'm pretty concerned why this website takes every picture from every booru.
And guess what? This website has extremely poor tagging, the "tagme" tag has over 1.4 million pictures and counting. There's one user named "oreno" (it was a test booru for Gelbooru) that 60% of their pictures has the "tagme" tag. And that booru even takes every picture from e621. And even worse, this booru even disabled picture uploading, tag editing, comments, the wiki, and even the forums! So we need a petition to fix this website, so the "tagme" and other poor editing tags will be almost gone, and every picture from Paheal/R34 would be completely gone. Also the booru will have better things like picture uploading by other users other then the other booru websites, tag editing, forums, and the wiki of course! :)
Updated by TheHuskyK9