JadePrime said:
And I'm sorry to hear that you're trans, I hope you can get the mental help you need to realize that you are the gender you were born with.
What in the world are you thinking? That's like telling a gay person: "I'm sorry to hear you're gay, I hope you can go to conversion therapy and like the gender you're supposed to like."
That's an absolutely backwards thing to say to someone. People are different than you, they feel differently, and don't have to be "fixed" just because they aren't like you or the majority of people you know.
JadePrime said:
Gay behavior has been recorded to long, long ago and it's a somewhat common occurrence with animals as well. Being trans however is rarely if ever recorded and has only really been relevant in modern times due to the overwhelming fad it has become to be trans due to the lgbt community rising up.
Trans and gay people have always existed. The fact that the atmosphere is more open to them these days is why they are more visible. They aren't some kind of recent creation used to make someone more unique.
This really shouldn't of even been brought up here. Now I'm even getting off-topic.
Updated by anonymous