Topic: Maud Pie's Odd Sisters (How to Edit Tag information)

Posted under General

Hey, I put this in general, since I kinda don't get completely how this works yet, but I got a quick question...

The character tag for Maud Pie has all the good info... Except for the family members... It's the freaking Pac-Man ghosts, and it made me laugh so hard I couldn't ignore it, so I'm just posting this here to hopefully get some advice on how to edit those...

Updated by Versperus

Forum updated, a rather hands on approach you can partake to see how something is formatted as far as hyperlinks, is to actually click the "edit" button on posts, it will show the contents as it looks before the meta changes it giving a general idea how to format.
a couple different things done is:

"A link is in this text":

A link is in this text



[[cat|The cats are out here]]

The cats are out here

upon reply to this, you will notice under the input text box formatting help it has a lot of useful text in there that teaches people how to metatag or use things like header text.

Updated by anonymous

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