Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

snpthecat said:
What would help is giving specific examples

Below the Search Bar it says Blacklisted with a Number in Brackets, like (100). If i click on it it drops down and ahows me how many blacklisted tags there are on a page of posts, that i can not see. Now, these all have a checkmark that shows if a blacklisted tag is active or not. And here is the issue. I can not uncheck said checkmark to view the posts that have tags that are currently in my blacklist. Lets say i use the dropdown thing to find the Tag big_breasts. If i click the checkmark, it does absolutely nothing. I am still unable to view any Posts that have the tag big_breasts. I do not know if you understand the issue now, i tried explaining as best i could.

whatthefuckisasonic said:
Below the Search Bar it says Blacklisted with a Number in Brackets, like (100). If i click on it it drops down and ahows me how many blacklisted tags there are on a page of posts, that i can not see. Now, these all have a checkmark that shows if a blacklisted tag is active or not. And here is the issue. I can not uncheck said checkmark to view the posts that have tags that are currently in my blacklist. Lets say i use the dropdown thing to find the Tag big_breasts. If i click the checkmark, it does absolutely nothing. I am still unable to view any Posts that have the tag big_breasts. I do not know if you understand the issue now, i tried explaining as best i could.

Do you perchance have another tag also blacklisted, like breasts?

whatthefuckisasonic said:
Below the Search Bar it says Blacklisted with a Number in Brackets, like (100). If i click on it it drops down and ahows me how many blacklisted tags there are on a page of posts, that i can not see. Now, these all have a checkmark that shows if a blacklisted tag is active or not. And here is the issue. I can not uncheck said checkmark to view the posts that have tags that are currently in my blacklist. Lets say i use the dropdown thing to find the Tag big_breasts. If i click the checkmark, it does absolutely nothing. I am still unable to view any Posts that have the tag big_breasts. I do not know if you understand the issue now, i tried explaining as best i could.

I tested it in Firefox 131.0.3 on Android, and I cannot replicate the issue.
Used your specific blacklist too. The blacklist seems to function normally.

I can't view anything. I can login in but posts won't load. I've restarted my pc, reconnected my internet. Nothing is working.

on mobile the the prev/next buttons are on a diffrent line from the rest of the page nav buttons.

EDIT: I think so someone used @media (min-width: ##rem) when they meant to use @media (max-width: ##rem) because everything in these rules make more sense to be applied when the screen is smaller than the listed horizontal resolution, not larger...

on mobile the text of the related tag list on the search page is way smaller than they should be.


back gesture scrolling isn't disabled on the first page of a search, doing so will break the page. (same with forward gesture scrolling on the last page)

dba_afish said:
on mobile the the prev/next buttons are on a diffrent line from the rest of the page nav buttons.
on mobile the text of the related tag list on the search page is way smaller than they should be.

The former is a deliberate change, to make sure the pagination actually fits on the screen without overflowing the page.
Or at least it should, if not for a really annoying bug that I just noticed.

The related tag list is a bug, though. Seems like some styles got lost somewhere.
I'll get it fixed.

cinder said:
The former is a deliberate change, to make sure the pagination actually fits on the screen without overflowing the page.
Or at least it should, if not for a really annoying bug that I just noticed.

on my screen they're just on top of each other even though there's plenty of space to fit them on the side and it just looks kinda really bad.

this is closer to how I'd expect it to look, which is just taking all the rules that are @media (min-width:) and applying them regardless.

(also make sure you check that gesture scrolling thing if you missed that)

dba_afish said:
on my screen they're just on top of each other even though there's plenty of space to fit them on the side and it just looks kinda really bad.

Well, it's a shame that it's not the only layout the paginator may take. Go to page 7, for example, and you might notice that it's starting to take up quite a bit of space.
And if you move further down to larger page counts, the problem gets worse.

Absolutely no idea why the buttons are those colors for you.

dba_afish said:
(also make sure you check that gesture scrolling thing if you missed that)

I did not.

cinder said:
Well, it's a shame that it's not the only layout the paginator may take. Go to page 7, for example, and you might notice that it's starting to take up quite a bit of space.
And if you move further down to larger page counts, the problem gets worse.

hmm... indeed...

cinder said:
Absolutely no idea why the buttons are those colors for you.

that's me, these new buttons use the same classes as the nav-links on the post page (.first, .last, .prev, .next), which I'd messed around with previously and these new buttons got some of that CSS applied to it.

So my keystrokes for searching tags doesn't work, nor is there a drop-down menu to give tag suggestions.

My keystrokes don't seem to search for a tag until I hit about the 3rd alphanumeric character. It's been a while, but I thought I was able to type "my" and it would start to show stuff like 'my_little_pony' etc. Now unless you type 3 letters or numbers, it doesn't have suggestions. non-alphanumeric, or at least the hyphen, doesn't seem to get around it, so "-my" won't show results but "-my_" will.

Edit 1:
The search box is also multiline now. Think it's gone from an <input> to <textarea>, and it's a bit distracting for, say, score:>25 audible_ejaculation cum_inside -animal_crossing -feral -my_little_pony -sonic_the_hedgehog_(series) -gay -cub >XD

Edit 2:
I also noticed there's no padding between post thumbnails again. I have

#posts-container {display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 170px);}
#posts-container > .post-preview {width: 160px;}

in my custom css, but it appears to no longer work Edit 3, If I change the # to . then it works


justcheckinginfornow said:
Hi, I just made an account to ask if this was a bug or intended feature?

Posts don't show hovertips; I'ved tried clean firefox and clean chromium.
Desktop only, don't have a phone.

Weirdly, user avatars, like those seen in this forum, show hovertext and artist info.

If the unusual decision has been made to disable them on default for lurkers, is there a way I can re-enable them while not logged in?
And if it's a planned feature, could I ask why it's been implemented?
It's incredibly handy to find artist information at a glance.
Right now, I'm far less likely to use the site, as is.

Thank you!

Is there a chance this can be restored soon? There have been no updates on the issue for a couple of months and this is still broken.

cinder said:
It's less "broken" and more of a semi-intended change.
You can restore it with some custom CSS if you like.

Thank you, I did not know this was (semi-)intentional. I have applied the custom CSS fix.

I've noticed the source: operator is case-sensitive.
Is that intentional, or a bug?

I'm leaning more towards it being a bug, since the case-sensitivity is inconsistent for the e621:cheatsheet#TextSearching operators.
While source: and delreason: are case-sensitive, notes: and description: are case-insensitive.

I did find another message on here asking about this two years ago, but there didn't seem to be an answer to that.

snedmano said:
I've noticed the source: operator is case-sensitive.
Is that intentional, or a bug?

I'm leaning more towards it being a bug, since the case-sensitivity is inconsistent for the e621:cheatsheet#TextSearching operators.
While source: and delreason: are case-sensitive, notes: and description: are case-insensitive.

delreason is case sensitive, yeah, but actually it just only accepts lowercase and returns nothing for upper. source being case sensitive may or may not be useful, idk

source is case sensitive, but only for uppercase try the example below and swap out h for H, e, E. Look at the sources.
id:5360332 source:*h*

Reverse Google Search under posts seems to be broken at the moment. See example below for post #5337946

Link address:


So the navigation page numbers and arrows at the bottom of a search has a noticeable issue. It is not possible to use the keyboard to navigate forward to the next page of a search. Going backwards works normally. After minor trouble shooting I noticed the tooltip on the forward and back arrows are both displaying the same message: "Shortcut is a or left"

vaitin said:
So the navigation page numbers and arrows at the bottom of a search has a noticeable issue. It is not possible to use the keyboard to navigate forward to the next page of a search. Going backwards works normally. After minor trouble shooting I noticed the tooltip on the forward and back arrows are both displaying the same message: "Shortcut is a or left"

Well, that's embarassing.
Yes, you are right, the shortcuts got borked by excessive copypasting.
I'll get a patch out by Wednesday.

pressing the preview button on any dtext entry box causes the user avatar to duplicate.

dba_afish said:
pressing the preview button on any dtext entry box causes the user avatar to duplicate.

I think this is already known?
We get a preview into the concept of mitosis

snpthecat said:
I think this is already known?

I pointed it out before the update, but it used to only happen when there was a [section] in the preview, now it just happenes whenever.

the notice popup (for updating your settings or submitting an edit and stuff) is drawn entire behind the header on mobile, meaning they're entirely invisible unless you scroll down the page... unless you have sticky header enabled, in which case they're invisible even when you do scroll down the page.

dba_afish said:
the notice popup (for updating your settings or submitting an edit and stuff) is drawn entire behind the header on mobile, meaning they're entirely invisible unless you scroll down the page... unless you have sticky header enabled, in which case they're invisible even when you do scroll down the page.

Yep, this. It also means you can't close the popup when you have sticky header

snpthecat said:
Yep, this. It also means you can't close the popup when you have sticky header

yeah, if you've removed the background of the header you can see the box. but the element's clickbox is still being obscured by the header's.

also, this is a really old one, but it seems like the time zone selector box in settings can overflow the edge of the screen causing the page to have a left/right scroll on mobile. seems to be caused by the text being fairly large (~1.8rem) in conjunction with some the strings, like "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)", being very long.

Donovan DMC

Former Staff

usbees said:
Thanks for that fix. I added this to Stylus (or whatever userstyle addon you have) until it's fixed.

@-moz-document domain("") {
    article.thumbnail {
        img {
            pointer-events: unset;

Y'know, e621 has custom styling built in
Go into your settings, go to Advanced, then all the way to the bottom

donovan_dmc said:
Y'know, e621 has custom styling built in
Go into your settings, go to Advanced, then all the way to the bottom

I completely forgot that was a thing. Even easier.

article.thumbnail {
    img {
        pointer-events: unset;

list said:
On the homepage below the search bar the popular button links to elsewhere referred to as "hot" suggest either changing the button name to match where it actually goes or changing the linked page to for consistency.

Intentional change, it's called popular to trick people into learning what order:rank is and how it's mostly the same as popular page

Did you know that if you type in your search and hit popular (home page) it adds in order:rank?

cinder said:
It's less "broken" and more of a semi-intended change.
You can restore it with some custom CSS if you like.

Thank you very kindly - no irony intended, irony is exhausting and overrated -
For at last giving an admin acknowledgment that the site removing baseline features expected of an imageboard is at least, in part, intentional.

Although I'm not happy that the site is following the dominant trend of making things worse, knowing that forced-logins and less functionality are intentional helps me tremendously.
I'd rather have it told straight to our faces than no information at all, even if the answer is disappointing and expected.
My hope is that this is revisited at a future point in time.

justcheckinginfornow said:
Thank you very kindly - no irony intended, irony is exhausting and overrated -
For at last giving an admin acknowledgment that the site removing baseline features expected of an imageboard is at least, in part, intentional.

Although I'm not happy that the site is following the dominant trend of making things worse, knowing that forced-logins and less functionality are intentional helps me tremendously.
I'd rather have it told straight to our faces than no information at all, even if the answer is disappointing and expected.
My hope is that this is revisited at a future point in time.

Thank you for being civil.
Let me elaborate on the "semi-intentional" part.

The hover text being disabled was not an intentional change at the time – if it was, I would remove the title attribute entirely.
It was a side effect to me fixing another issue by disabling pointer events on the image element.
However, I did consider removing that hover text before. The information in it is not really useful to the vast majority of users - and the popup itself is pretty ugly to boot.

The limbo state it's in now seems like a somewhat satisfactory solution for now.
Power users can re-enable it very easily with some custom CSS, while regular users do not have to worry about it.
I will likely revisit it in the future, likely adding a settings toggle that will allow users to re-enable it more easily.
However, it's not really a pressing concern at the moment.

cinder said:
Thank you for being civil.
Let me elaborate on the "semi-intentional" part.

My pleasure. I understand how complex site maintenance is; I'm unhappy with the result, but understanding that if it happened, there is likely a reason.
And I appreciate hearing your reasoning in full, too.
(I will also agree the popup is ugly, but will also add it is ugly in a functional way; something I value a lot in the internet, which tends to go against current design philosophies.)

Further, I also very much understand it's not a key priority; even if it were used by a lot more users.

I can sound naturally terse, but I'd always much rather have confirmation something is working as designed than nothing.
For now, I can go back to checking in once in a blue moon.
Cheers and take care.

I've just noticed that if you click on a users profile and click the "Report/Commend" button, the page will say "You are reporting/commending, USER." but the submit button just says "Submit Complaint."
It should be updated to "Submit Complaint/Commendation" to keep the consistency throughout since it isn't just for complaints.

cinder said:
Thank you for being civil.
Let me elaborate on the "semi-intentional" part.

The hover text being disabled was not an intentional change at the time – if it was, I would remove the title attribute entirely.
It was a side effect to me fixing another issue by disabling pointer events on the image element.
However, I did consider removing that hover text before. The information in it is not really useful to the vast majority of users - and the popup itself is pretty ugly to boot.

The limbo state it's in now seems like a somewhat satisfactory solution for now.
Power users can re-enable it very easily with some custom CSS, while regular users do not have to worry about it.
I will likely revisit it in the future, likely adding a settings toggle that will allow users to re-enable it more easily.
However, it's not really a pressing concern at the moment.

Hmm, was going to check on status on this, because it was making researching a little more tedious. I can see how many users never wanted nor needed it. Ah, of course it was the 4th topic in search for 'hover' that I found the solution: topic #54358

article img {
  pointer-events: unset;