Topic: Is there anyway to go back to the old site?

Posted under General

Is there a way to go back to the old site from like a week ago?

The favorites are out of order and the number bar is gone.

Sounds minor but the fav button not being colored anymore which makes it get lost in visual noise not great with dyslexia. Completely unnecessary change anyway

Thumbnails favor horizontal distribution so now its 16 per row on an ultra wide instead of 5-6. WHY

I would please like to just revert back. Nothing was improved and it just broke a bunch of shit that worked perfectly fine before.

Like RDR2, the wild-west days are in the past, now comes a new century that more formal but the same.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of it either. But I'm sure Varka's team will have it under-control in no time. It will look Beta now, but give it time and I can imagine it will be better.

I hate this. Now the site doesnt fit my screen and is screeched out


cat1778 said:
Has the option to see comments on your own uploads seem to be it removed?

It's still there, but you get to it through your profile. There's a line for "Posts <post count> (comments on)", and comments on is a link to see the comments made on your uploads.

There should be an old interface option in settings. There isn't. This update has done nothing to improve and frankly just made things worse.

This change is not a new interface, it's a new backend.
An 'old interface' option, even if it gave the impression of the old interface, would be nothing of the sort.

I be happy to have the child/parent post to and comic <last/next> back to the old way while also having the +/- for adding searches or removing them. But its their site to use how they want.

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