Topic: genuine question about patreon content

Posted under General

Since patreon is going to ban all japanese-styled art, wouldnt that retroactively allow patreon only art be legal here?(unless the artist says otherwise or they found a new crowdfund site to use) also it eouldnt of course affect all artists as some are western-styled, but still just something ramdom I though

The reason for the rule change from 2 years old paid material to be infinite, was that if artist wants their work to be public, they would most likely release or give permission to share themselves to begin with rather than let arbitary site rule about it arbitarily.

If the artwork has been only available on patreon and needs pledge to access, it's considered to be paid material, even if patreon account gets nuked. If it doesn't require pledge, then it's free content.
avoid posting
uploading guidelines

So if you happen to see artist who only posts their stuff on patreon and they get banned from the platform, you will need to be in contact with the artist and ask what their plans are with their content.

Also this is once again those extremely subjective changes on the patreon platform as there's no telling what they consider "anime style" as many western drawings do fall under such definition.

mairo said:

Also this is once again those extremely subjective changes on the patreon platform as there's no telling what they consider "anime style" as many western drawings do fall under such definition.

Probably the way to figure that out is to look at who has already been banned under this rule.

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