Topic: Tag Alias: Legosi_(Beastars) -> Legoshi_(Beastars) needs fixing

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Legosi is the correct spelling of the name. While Legoshi is used in some translations this is incorrect. It is a literal translation caused by the lack of "Si" syllable in Japanese; basically it's the same thing as the Japanese "L", it doesn't technically translate 1:1 and so you would end up with another character from the same series - Louis - spelled "Rouis", but we know better than to make that mistake. In addition, Paru Itagaki - the creator of Beastars and Legosi - has confirmed his name is based on the actor Bela Lugosi, and the spelling should then follow.

crusty_fire said:
If I recall correctly, both the official english manga and anime use Legoshi

Yes, it is a point of great displeasure for the fanbase, for the reasons stated above. It's actually very bothersome to us to have a lot of new fans brought in who only know the incorrect translation, so my hope is to help spread this knowledge where I can. Official translations can get names wrong all the time, if you want an example from another piece of media see Zoro in One Piece, which the official manga incorrectly translates as Zolo.

If both official translations use Legoshi, then Legoshi is the correct one, and you're the one using the incorrect spelling.

furrin_gok said:
If both official translations use Legoshi, then Legoshi is the correct one, and you're the one using the incorrect spelling.

That really depends on what level of direction or freedom the translators were given. After all, as far as I'm aware this is also an official Japanese to English translation getting a character's sex/gender wrong. It doesn't help that the Netflix subtitles also use Rouis. A lot of the time translators don't have enough of a personal investment to look into things further than their instruction requires them to and they'll just pound out the work.
But you could continue to argue that whether it's "correct" is irrelevant if an incorrect spelling is also the best way to keep things organised with the standards set by the official releases.

furrin_gok said:
If both official translations use Legoshi, then Legoshi is the correct one, and you're the one using the incorrect spelling.

Couldn't be further from the truth, localizations have in the past been horribly wrong. Unless you want to say All your base was the intended transliteration?

Legosi is the correct spelling, and the official translation misinterpreted the kana as a slurred S. Its not supposed to be legoshi.

furrin_gok said:
If both official translations use Legoshi, then Legoshi is the correct one, and you're the one using the incorrect spelling.

Official translations are often wrong in Beastars. Rouis is incorrect, yet used in official translations for Louis. Hal is incorrect, yet used in official translations for Haru. Legoshi is also incorrect. Official translators are there to do a job, they do not care enough about an individual series to read all the context behind a name.

darkdragon2344 said:
Official translations are often wrong in Beastars. Rouis is incorrect, yet used in official translations for Louis. Hal is incorrect, yet used in official translations for Haru. Legoshi is also incorrect. Official translators are there to do a job, they do not care enough about an individual series to read all the context behind a name.

Not even sure why I argued that when I hate digimon's use of BaoHuckmon instead of continuing to use A's for Hack.

Still, sometimes things are meant to be swapped up, or meant to refer to a certain different spelling where it's not possible. You say Paru confirmed that Legoshi is wrong, but what about Hal? That's an English name like Louis.

darkdragon2344 said:
Official translations are often wrong in Beastars. Rouis is incorrect, yet used in official translations for Louis. Hal is incorrect, yet used in official translations for Haru. Legoshi is also incorrect. Official translators are there to do a job, they do not care enough about an individual series to read all the context behind a name.

I had to double check on Netflix because I was pretty sure I heard Louis and Haru. Turns out the English dub uses Louis, and the English subs and descriptions uses Rouis (there's even a poster in the first episode that uses Rouis around 12 minutes into the episode). The description for the episodes uses Hal, and the dub and sub uses Haru. Legoshi is consistently used in the descriptions, dubs, and subs. It's all over the place.

EDIT: Checked the official VIZ translation of the manga, they use Legoshi, Louis, and Haru.

darkdragon2344 said:
While Legoshi is used in some translations this is incorrect. It is a literal translation caused by the lack of "Si" syllable in Japanese

Not for nothing, but technically it is possible. スィ is a (somewhat modern?) construct to handle certain syllables not otherwise possible for foreign words/names. スィ (si), ティ (ti), ヴィ (vi), etc. I've seen these used in a number of places. There could be reasons the comic (and thus the adaptions) didn't use them, maybe it's too new or too informal-looking, but it is possible to get 'si'.

furrin_gok said:
You say Paru confirmed that Legoshi is wrong, but what about Hal? That's an English name like Louis.

Hal would be pretty weird for her, considering it's short for Henry or Harold. Anything's possible, of course, and if Paru says so, so be it. But since Haru is a feminine japanese name, while Hal is a masculine english name, the former seems more likely.

Well, it looks like the consensus is against me. I guess I should have seen it coming, since most of the fans are coming in through the anime most of them would know Legoshi and not Legosi, which those of us who have been reading the manga are more familiar with (while we do support the official release, we do consider the fan TLs to be more accurate and they come more quickly). I suppose it's just something I will have to accept. And maybe I got a little bit more irritated cause I feel like the alias is correcting me on the name, even though it's just consolidating to one tag for simplicity's sake.

darkdragon2344 said:
Well, it looks like the consensus is against me. I guess I should have seen it coming, since most of the fans are coming in through the anime most of them would know Legoshi and not Legosi, which those of us who have been reading the manga are more familiar with (while we do support the official release, we do consider the fan TLs to be more accurate and they come more quickly). I suppose it's just something I will have to accept. And maybe I got a little bit more irritated cause I feel like the alias is correcting me on the name, even though it's just consolidating to one tag for simplicity's sake.

?? Most users here agree that Legoshi is wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I would agree it should be Legosi rather than Legoshi. It seems to be a pretty obvious reference to Bela Lugosi that the creator has confirmed to be true, even if the English translations didn't keep it for some reason.

darkdragon2344 said:
Well, it looks like the consensus is against me.

What are you talking about? Did you even actually read what everyone else has been saying? Only one person had at all disagreed with you (up to the point you posted that), and even he turned around by the time of his second post...

crusty_fire said:
I found this twitter thread talking about Legoshi/Legosi

TDLR: Bela Lugosi is Hungarian, Lugosi would be pronounced more similar to Legoshi in Hungarian than Legosi.

So, using shi instead of si would be an anglicisation of the spelling, albeit via a japanisation?
Is this going to become a discussion of whether it's more correct to roll back closer to the original Hungarian spelling, or to stick with the phonetics based on it already having been transliterated out of latin script?


crusty_fire said:
I found this twitter thread talking about Legoshi/Legosi

TDLR: Bela Lugosi is Hungarian, Lugosi would be pronounced more similar to Legoshi in Hungarian than Legosi.

Yes, it would be pronounced similarly to Legoshi, the dub has it correct. The subs still have it wrong, it should be spell Legosi.
Also sorry guys, looks like I really misinterpreted your support here :/
If we're still pressing it my opinion hasn't changed at all I just stop arguing when it seems like the discussion's over.

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