Topic: I sthere a tag for femal urethra or femal urethra vore

Posted under General

riverinadryland said:
No tags for those specifically. I would try searching urethra with either female or female_pred.

Thanks for the effort :)
I already tried a few combinations but was not really satisfied. Hadn't tried yours with femal_pred.

darryus said:
pussy_sounding would seem to be what you're looking for with the first part of the question. for the second part, searching pussy_sounding vore yields a few results and but all of them are actually urethral vore.

Perfect! Thank you very much. Pussy sounding is already good enough. Would've checked the whole tag anyways. So a missing that specific vore tag is not that big a problem.

Like the wiki page for pussy sounding points out, there's currently no tag for that specificaly, no. Not that no such tag can be made, or that nobody has ever thought about it yet, it's just that there's no obvious name for that tag that wouldn't appear to overlap with either unbirthing and cock_vore. Suggestions are welcome, though.

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