Topic: [Feature] Document order:change and order:change_asc on the cheatsheet page

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

EDIT: This is entirely a documentation problem. The feature I want already exists, as order:change and order:change_asc. This needs to bed documented here:

Requested feature overview description.

Users would be able to write "order:updated" to sort posts such that the posts that were most recently updated are displayed first, and "order:updated_asc" for the inverse.

Why would it be useful?

For a newly created tag, I would like to verify that the posts are being tagged correctly. If I was able to sort by recently updated posts, I could view which posts have been most recently tagged and verify they are correct. Also, this feature would be useful for tagging projects, where the posts most recently updated are less likely to need tagging overhauls.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Searching and sorting.


Just go to Tags and sort by Newest.

You will see a bunch of single post tags that are either bad tags or non-categorised artist/character tags, and those things pop up quite often.

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