Topic: Dysfunctional Blacklist?

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

My blacklist contains some of the usual: Scat, fart, My_Little_Pony, and some other disturbing things I don’t want to even think about, no-less actually see on my screen.

Notwithstanding this, I see those exact things every time I try to search something plain like “straight”. I often have to add things to my searches, like “-MLP” or “-scat” in order to actually NOT see “My_Little_Pony” or actual shit each time I search e621’s posts.

I recently added “Richard_Waterson” to my Blacklist, because he’s a fat cunt, and I don’t like him, lol. Yet, I still see this fictional character in my searches! ):<

It’s not just that though, it’s everything on my Blacklist!

Can somebody, anybody, please fix this problem? Pretty-please, with a gargantuan fat-ass cherry on top?

You don't need to list everything you have ever blacklisted, thank you very much.

First of all, Javascript must be enabled in your browser in order for the blacklist to work. If you are using a very old browser, or an extension that disables Javascript, the blacklist will not function.
Second, the blacklist must be in a correct format. Every entry should be on its own separate line. Tags within each entry should be separated by spaces.
Last, check that the filters in the sidebar are active. If they are crossed out ( like this ), click on "Re-enable all" to turn it those back on.

you should only have to press the Re-enable all button once the site should remember your choice and keep it enabled. also again, make sure your blacklist is formatted properly. if it's not formatted properly it WILL NOT WORK as you want it to.

from what I understand some of the formatting rules _did_ change (I think you used to be able to separate different blacklist items with commas but you need to use line breaks now) when moving over to the new version of the site, so if your blacklist used to work before the change but doesn't work anymore you might have to go back though and reformat it.


This post seemed less like a call for help and more of an excuse to throw shade at content you blacklisted hahaha!

The other comments pretty much answered your question already but I wanted to point out that I thought my blacklist wasn't working properly until I examined my formatting.

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