My blacklist contains some of the usual: Scat, fart, My_Little_Pony, and some other disturbing things I don’t want to even think about, no-less actually see on my screen.
Notwithstanding this, I see those exact things every time I try to search something plain like “straight”. I often have to add things to my searches, like “-MLP” or “-scat” in order to actually NOT see “My_Little_Pony” or actual shit each time I search e621’s posts.
I recently added “Richard_Waterson” to my Blacklist, because he’s a fat cunt, and I don’t like him, lol. Yet, I still see this fictional character in my searches! ):<
It’s not just that though, it’s everything on my Blacklist!
Can somebody, anybody, please fix this problem? Pretty-please, with a gargantuan fat-ass cherry on top?