Topic: Tag alias: cacodemon_(doom) -> cacodemon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #50773 cacodemon_(doom) -> cacodemon has been approved.

Reason: cacodemon_(doom) as opposed to what? cacodemon_(sonic_the_hedgehog)? including the series in this tag seems unnecessary, especially with other monsters from the same series (baron of hell, hell knight, cyberdemon etc) not including this except when there is a genuine need for disambiguation.

EDIT: The tag alias cacodemon_(doom) -> cacodemon (forum #304455) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

While cacodemons do exist outside of Doom, all of the current posts tagged with it are the Doom variant.
I do agree that the alias is safe for the time being, unless we start getting mistags for some reason.

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