Topic: make hyper tagging great again

Posted under General

Hey esix, can we seriously work on tagging "hyper" things properly? I go into any "hyper" tag, and it's always filled with stuff that clearly is nowhere near "hyper" size. protip: slightly larger than average does not constitute hyper size. note when tagging art to take the perspective and the size of the character into consideration, for example, if the character is pushing their stuff into the viewers face, that's not a larger [insert item], its just the perspective. If the character is like the size of a flea, with [insert item] that would be the size of a normal human's that would be classified as hyper. if a character is macro, but their [insert item] is normal size when taking the rest of their body into consideration, its not hyper. I'll provide a list to help explain what i mean better:
balls look like they would be average human size = just the "balls" tag
balls look like they are bigger than average human size (like each one is around the size of a softball) = "Big_balls" tag
balls look like they're basketball size = "huge_balls" tag
balls look like they're borderline/are immobilizing the character = "hyper_balls" tag