Topic: Re: Keke's videos

Posted under General

Hi admins and mods, I'd like to enquire on why my recent uploads of Keke's videos had been flagged as artificial upscale even though they ARE uploaded in that state by the artist himself.

As bongani said in the comments of my Conga upload:

"Artificial upscale"?

The bulk of Keke's animations are done in Flipnote Studio 3D, which is a 3DS app. The 3DS's native touchscreen resolution is 320 x 240 pixels (regardless of the 2/3DS model). With that small of a native resolution, it's inevitable that most of his stuff is going to look artefacted to fuck when upscaled to YouTube levels of resolution, and none of this has been a barrier to keke's stuff being uploaded here before now.

That touchscreen resolution is also why most of Keke's GIFs and the like are at 320 x 240.

It's fine for lower resolution images to be scaled up by about 2x or 3x using nearest filtering so that they're easier to see.

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