Topic: Weren't there more search commands?

Posted under General

I vividly remember there being a command that used the [ and ] to make multiple searches easier, Am I having a stroke?

Edit: I got confused with tag filters..


crocogator said:
Using brackets in searches has never been a thing in the 9 years I've been on this site. Here's the cheatsheet for how searches work:

Weren't there search options that only some user types could use? It's either that or I'm grossly misremembering something I've seen on another site

zoidbergfann1 said:
Weren't there search options that only some user types could use? It's either that or I'm grossly misremembering something I've seen on another site

Privileged+ users used to be able to search for more tags at once, but now even regular users can search for a large number of tags at the same time. You might be thinking of a different site. I'm not sure what you thought [ and ] were supposed to do, but maybe it's like using a tilde ~ for "OR"?

~Cat ~dog returns posts with at least one cat or dog.

A more complicated example: Cat ~outside dog ~sky ~grass rating:safe ~snow which translates to:

  • Contains a cat
  • Contains a dog
  • Is rated safe
  • Contains at least one of these tags: outside, sky, grass, or snow (notice how the tags prefixed with ~ don't actually need to be next to each other in the search. Order is irrelevant)
