Topic: Tag alias: daddy_roulette -> mixed_cum_impregnation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #52314 daddy_roulette -> mixed_cum_impregnation has been approved.

Reason: Started tagging some stuff with mixed_cum_impregnation, but lots of folks tend to refer to this concept as daddy_roulette.

I think it still makes sense to call the tag mixed_cum_impregnation, as it's a bit more clear (and perhaps a little wider in scope?) And fits with other *_impregnation tags. But might make it easier for folks searching for daddy_roulette.

I'm not really sure if this is how aliases are meant to be done though, or whether one first has to have images tagged with either thing. The help page on tag aliases offers no additional insight on how the application process actually works in practice.

EDIT: The tag alias daddy_roulette -> mixed_cum_impregnation (forum #312917) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

I mean, I'm inclined to go with daddy_roulette just because that is the most fucking hilarious thing I've read this week.

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