Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: heart_markings -> heart_marking

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #52330 heart_markings -> heart_marking has been rejected.

Reason: Plural -> singular like some other aliases.* (examples at end of this post)

heart_marking has wiki.

heart_marking : with 1166 posts.
heart_markings : with 29 posts.

(there also:
heart_mark with 18 posts,
BUT thumb 2628934 was tagged with heart_mark when heart was on clothing so changed tag to heart print instead. So maybe disambiguate heart_mark)

* = other plural -> singular aliases (that have been approved)
1) background_characters -> background_character : alias #47403
2) censor_bars -> censor_bar : alias #47398
3) constellations -> constellation : alias #48432
4) dead_trees -> dead_tree : alias #46874
5) fan_characters -> fan_character : alias #50606
6) saliva_on_tentacles -> saliva_on_tentacle : alias #50761
7) smartphones -> smartphone : alias #47000
etc etc.

(EDIT: Thanks Clawstripe for noticing my dead_trees typo ... it is now fixed.)

EDIT: The tag alias heart_markings -> heart_marking (forum #313000) has been rejected by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Basically, depluralization is appropriate in this case. If you've got multiple heart markings, you've got at least one heart marking.

Also, to pick at a nit, you've got dead_trees pointing at itself rather than dead_tree. :p

animperfectpatsy said:
See topic #27282, which proposes a rename to heart_(marking) as part of a standardization of heart tags.

I might end up rejecting that BUR (given how lengthy/clunky that BUR is, and the amount of edits that BUR needs), and resubmitting it as two or more separate BURs (as well as the BUR from topic #27198 for other markings tags).

Overall, I think utilizing heart_(marking) or heart-shaped_markings might be best, in order to establish the [shape]_(marking) or the [shape]-shaped_markings format for markings tags (and to follow the *_(marking) or *_markings format of other current implications to markings).

If the plural format of some of these markings tags is a problem, the format of the various markings tags might need to be changed from the plural format to the singular format (markings -> marking, blue_markings -> blue_marking, etc).

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