Topic: Weirdness with the "fat" tagging system

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

So, I noticed the tags for fat don't line up with real world values. The following are calculated for a 5'9" male.

For slightly_chubby, it's below 200 lbs, which would mean it correlates with a BMI of 25-30, which would be overweight.
For overweight, it's 200-300 lbs, which would mean it correlates with a BMI of 30-40+, which would be obese
For obese, it's 275-385 lbs, which would correlate with a BMI of 40-55, which would be morbidly obese
Finally, for morbidly obese, it's 385+ lbs, which would correlate to a BMI of 60+, which would be "super-super morbidly obese"

It isn't that big of an issue, but it is misleading/confusing.

(the fact that e621 is owned by an American company is not lost on me, lul)

youfinnadiebaby said:
So, I noticed the tags for fat don't line up with real world values. The following are calculated for a 5'9" male.

For slightly_chubby, it's below 200 lbs, which would mean it correlates with a BMI of 25-30, which would be overweight.
For overweight, it's 200-300 lbs, which would mean it correlates with a BMI of 30-40+, which would be obese
For obese, it's 275-385 lbs, which would correlate with a BMI of 40-55, which would be morbidly obese
Finally, for morbidly obese, it's 385+ lbs, which would correlate to a BMI of 60+, which would be "super-super morbidly obese"

It isn't that big of an issue, but it is misleading/confusing.

(the fact that e621 is owned by an American company is not lost on me, lul)

Keep in mind anthropoid creatures like most furries are going to logically have very different metabolic rate and physiological structure when compared to humanoids. Increased volumes of hair/fur, differing muscle-fat-bone ratios, presence of horns/scales, different skeletal structure (neural spines, tails, etc.), claws, wings, increased overall size due to digitigrade or unguligrade leg forms, particularly large genitalia, and so on are going to change effective BMIs for most organisms on this site.
Something else to keep in mind is that we're guestimating weight based on visual data alone here, as it's Tag What You See, and things never look quite as weighty as they really would be.

votp said:
Keep in mind anthropoid creatures like most furries are going to logically have very different metabolic rate and physiological structure when compared to humanoids. Increased volumes of hair/fur, differing muscle-fat-bone ratios, presence of horns/scales, different skeletal structure (neural spines, tails, etc.), claws, wings, increased overall size due to digitigrade or unguligrade leg forms, particularly large genitalia, and so on are going to change effective BMIs for most organisms on this site.
Something else to keep in mind is that we're guestimating weight based on visual data alone here, as it's Tag What You See, and things never look quite as weighty as they really would be.

Yes, but it seems the tags don't line up with how they look either. Slightly_chubby often gets applied to characters who are visibly overweight, even in the wiki page Same goes with all of the other categories in my original post. It seems like this was a conscious choice with how well the weight values line up. I just don't get *why* they made that choice.

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