Honestly, I just feel like it'd be cool to get to know the people who are running this site and keeping it running so well.
It honestly feels a bit isolated. It'd be cool to get to know y'all, or just an occasional hi or an update on idk...personal activities...projects...somethin.
Make y'all feel a little more human.
MODS, imo, feel like Shadow People, they show up from time to time in random posts, forums, locations and then disappear.
It'd be cool if there was like maybe 1 LOCKED post where we just engage with the MODS and just chat about shit.
I feel like you guys are...what's that race in MASS EFFECT..?
All you do is fix the Citidel and we just ignore your existence and we just look onto you in curiosity.
Like "What are the MODS doing? What the dog doin'?
Can't y'all be...a bit more social...? idk...are you all robots? fukin AIs
AIs man!
Where's your humanity, where the hell are you guys!?
I wanna know there are humans here!
post #2253435yes I am aware there is discord. Still same vibes