Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: eddie_(muzz) -> eddie_(dessy)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #55525 eddie_(muzz) -> eddie_(dessy) has been approved.

Reason: I have spoken to the designer/creator of eddie, who was Muzz, and they have told me that they do not want to be associated with eddie any longer. Dessy is the new owner of eddie (as an adopted character) so I firmly and strongly believe that the tag should be appropriately aliased.

EDIT: The tag alias eddie_(muzz) -> eddie_(dessy) (forum #321992) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Might be better to run this as an update (only possible through BURs) to leave the character name eddie open for Muzz's future creations.

OP, can you link any conversations or screenshots? This sounds plausible, but making decisions based on hearsay is a bad policy.

I went through the eddie_(muzz) muzz source:* images, and it's probably true that Muzz is trying to distance herself from the character. Almost all of them have dead furaffinity source links, presumably because Muzz uploaded them and then removed them from her gallery. Unfortunately, because Furaffinity does not retain metadata for deleted images, there's no way to be sure...
The exceptions are:
post #2991931, where the source says "The artist wishes not to be tagged."
post #1953499, where one source is deleted (presumably Muzz's gallery) and one uploaded by Dessy still exists.
post #633632, post #589726, and post #603970, with dead Furaffinity and Weasyl links
post #543727, with TWO dead furaffinity links.

tasquemanager said:
Sorry, but no.
I'd sooner dribble hot wax on my eyebrows.

Without definitive proof of this character ownership transfer (i.e., a public journal/comment/adopt post/tweet saying that they have transferred character owners), what you are saying is basically hearsay and I cannot wholeheartedly support this alias.
It could be a case whereby the original character owner decides to make their character private and removed any online presence of them, and then having a random person step in and claiming that they have gotten the character rights by reposting old artworks of them.

Edit: Vote changed after @Furrin_Gok's verification.


tasquemanager said:
Sorry, but no.
I'd sooner dribble hot wax on my eyebrows.

That is a rather extreme response, which to me translates to "this is an absolute lie". I'm going to have to pester Muzz about the transfer now.

bitwolfy said:
Thanks for going the extra mile and getting in touch with them.

Not something I would normally have done, honestly. TasqueManager's extreme response just got to me in a way that got me off my lazy butt.

furrin_gok said:
Not something I would normally have done, honestly. TasqueManager's extreme response just got to me in a way that got me off my lazy butt.

Yeah, that got me a little curious too.

tasquemanager said:
Sorry, but no.
I'd sooner dribble hot wax on my eyebrows.

I transferred the record from your old account.
Since it has been over 6 months, it has been decayed to a neutral.

Thanks for taking the effort Furrin, my vote has now been updated to a +1. I'm actually surprised it turned out to be true after TasqueManager's response here.

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