Topic: Frictional games implications

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1923 is pending approval.

create implication amnesia:_the_dark_descent (14) -> frictional_games (1)
create implication amnesia:_justine (6) -> frictional_games (1)
create implication soma_(video_game) (8) -> frictional_games (1)

Reason: Amnesia: Justine is apparently an expansion for dark descent, but it's more of "same engine, new story" so I implied it directly to Frictional Games instead of Dark Descent.
No tag yet for the Penumbra series, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs or Amnesia: Rebirth

SOMA is really good btw, they gave it away for free on EPIC some time ago

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