The bulk update request #3413 has been rejected.
create implication linked_speech_bubble (4680) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication conjoined_speech_bubble (3091) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication pointy_speech_bubble (3484) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication color_coded_speech_bubble (1829) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication partial_speech_bubble (911) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication dripping_speech_bubble (549) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication wavy_speech_bubble (393) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication shared_speech_bubble (355) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication empty_speech_bubble (275) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication inward_tail_speech_bubble (303) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication puffy_speech_bubble (316) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication outline_speech_bubble (248) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication partial_line_speech_bubble (218) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication dotted_line_speech_bubble (157) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication localized_pointy_speech_bubble (210) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication stylized_speech_bubble (82) -> speech_bubble (239914)
create implication heart_speech_bubble (130) -> speech_bubble (239914)
Reason: The speech bubble wasn't connected to any tree diagram.
EDIT: The bulk update request #3413 (forum #347291) has been rejected by @Rainbow_Dash.
Updated by auto moderator