Topic: Best Way To Compress WEBM

Posted under General

Was trying to convert MP4 into WEBM so I can upload here but the WEBM is 250MB, is there a way to compress it to make it under 100MB without sever quality loss?

fuyu_graycen said:
Was trying to convert MP4 into WEBM so I can upload here but the WEBM is 250MB, is there a way to compress it to make it under 100MB without sever quality loss?

Can you send it to me and I'll take a look at it? I've messed around with a WebM GUI converter, so I might be able to manage it.

fuyu_graycen said:
Was trying to convert MP4 into WEBM so I can upload here but the WEBM is 250MB, is there a way to compress it to make it under 100MB without sever quality loss?

I would suggest FFmpeg -- or if you're not comfortable with the command line, then Handbrake. is my cheatsheet for ffmpeg (scroll down to last section)

tl;dr play with -crf until you get a filesize you like

ffmpeg -i original_video.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 35 -b:v 0 -an my_fandub.webm

mario probably has better advice tho. handbrake will also work for you since you can't remux from h.264 (mp4 video) to vp8/vp9 (webm video). same idea though, play with the quality factor.

sentharn said: is my cheatsheet for ffmpeg (scroll down to last section)

tl;dr play with -crf until you get a filesize you like

ffmpeg -i original_video.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 35 -b:v 0 -an my_fandub.webm

mario probably has better advice tho. handbrake will also work for you since you can't remux from h.264 (mp4 video) to vp8/vp9 (webm video). same idea though, play with the quality factor.

Two-pass encoding with rate control gives you better average quality overall, and a bit more control over the final file size. You can find more details and example code snippets here:

If you do choose to use the -crf option, you can achieve a better quality/compression tradeoff at the cost of more CPU time spent encoding, with the -preset veryslow option. The preset options are described at the link above, and there's also a helpful write-up on the first answer, here:

monroethelizard said:
Two-pass encoding with rate control gives you better average quality overall, and a bit more control over the final file size. You can find more details and example code snippets here:

If you do choose to use the -crf option, you can achieve a better quality/compression tradeoff at the cost of more CPU time spent encoding, with the -preset veryslow option. The preset options are described at the link above, and there's also a helpful write-up on the first answer, here:

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good stuff; i'll update the cheat sheet. i was eyeing the 2-pass stuff since i use it for my anims but i wanted to keep it simpler.

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