Topic: what is the point of 'scenery porn'? (alias)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6999 has been rejected.

create alias scenery_porn (535) -> scenery (2274)

Reason: scenery, scenery porn, and amazing background are three tags that clarifies the high detail into the background compared to the character, which lowers the point of having scenery porn if amazing background exist with better clarity. the wiki entries between scenery and scenery porn are superficially the same thing to refer any post with background looking superior to character(s).

another thing of the issue that i have with this tag is just the name and ambiguity what it means with it. from the imminent standpoint, it comes off like it describes any post involving a sexual activity against the scenery than towards the detail of the background without looking wiki entry. also, subjectively speaking, it just sounds ridiculous, from i get with shoved 'porn' is just evoke amusement.

EDIT: The bulk update request #6999 (forum #394524) has been rejected by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

Should scenery imply amazing_background? I'm not sure how you could have a post qualify for scenery but not amazing_background



cloudpie said:
Should scenery imply amazing_background? I'm not sure how you could have a post qualify for scenery but not amazing_background

The other way around, maybe. I'd say something like
post #3930402 post #4645771
qualifies for scenery, but not amazing_background. While an amazing_background probably would always necessitate scenery. IMO, detailed_background is for when there's enough detail to define "a place" for the image, scenery is when there's more complete detail to flesh out the place, and amazing_background/scenery_porn is when the background steals the show.


Don't you touch my scenery porn, the reason I have stayed here for a decade.

I'd be okay with renaming it something else though.

Of note, it's when the scenery itself is the main focus, and is gorgeously detailed. Overlaps with amazing background, but is not exclusive to it.

watsit said:
While an amazing_background probably would always necessitate scenery.

When I think of scenery I think of an outside scene, but amazing_background would encompass extremely detailed indoor environments as well. Could scenery include indoors as well then?



cloudpie said:
When I think of scenery I think of an outside scene, but amazing_background would encompass extremely detailed indoor environments as well. Could scenery include indoors as well then?

I don't see why not. The word "scene" can apply to indoor scenes as much as outdoor, and given the definition of scenery

1: the painted scenes or hangings and accessories used on a theater stage
2: a picturesque view or landscape
3: one's usual surroundings

It doesn't have to be outdoor scenery or landscape.

First off, new favorite tags acquired because of this thread.


rainbow_dash said:
Don't you touch my scenery porn, the reason I have stayed here for a decade.

I'd be okay with renaming it something else though.

Of note, it's when the scenery itself is the main focus, and is gorgeously detailed. Overlaps with amazing background, but is not exclusive to it.

I think if you wanted to rename it the best option would probably be scenery_focus? I don't think the name right now is a huge issue though personally.

rainbow_dash said:
Don't you touch my scenery porn, the reason I have stayed here for a decade.

I'd be okay with renaming it something else though.

Of note, it's when the scenery itself is the main focus, and is gorgeously detailed. Overlaps with amazing background, but is not exclusive to it.

interesting from all decade-old tags like <3 and infamous cub that made a hot topic into 2 pages are nullified into aliases respectively, except for the scenery porn under the favor of authority.
whatever the case, go for all scenery focus - it's reasonably better choice. if nobody changes your mind, then i accept tv dinner art as not the daftest tag name of the tag system


I think creating a scenery_focus kind of tag is a good idea

scenery_porn is one of those antiquated tags that tries to be humorous rather than descriptive. I think it would be better to later just go through it and tag the posts as scenery_focus amazing_background or scenery_focus detailed_background instead as that's much less ambiguous

In fact I'm gonna go even further and say that amazing_background should be an invalid tag. It's just extremely subjective and completely covered by the more concrete detailed_background. As far as I know, we don't tag good_art or well_drawn or even beautiful (the latter of which not only is invalidated, but the wiki says "In case of 'beautiful' scenery, the amazing background tag might be applicable" which I see it as even more reason to invalidate it)

mabit said:
I think creating a scenery_focus kind of tag is a good idea

scenery_porn is one of those antiquated tags that tries to be humorous rather than descriptive. I think it would be better to later just go through it and tag the posts as scenery_focus amazing_background or scenery_focus detailed_background instead as that's much less ambiguous

In fact I'm gonna go even further and say that amazing_background should be an invalid tag. It's just extremely subjective and completely covered by the more concrete detailed_background. As far as I know, we don't tag good_art or well_drawn or even beautiful (the latter of which not only is invalidated, but the wiki says "In case of 'beautiful' scenery, the amazing background tag might be applicable" which I see it as even more reason to invalidate it)

Amazing background doesn't mean "I think it's amazing", it means "background that is so detailed that it is just as, if not more, interesting than the character(s). Like, this level of detailed that makes you want to zoom in on everything:

post #1644574 post #1141166 post #4565152 post #1842282

(Not necessarily cluttered like those backgrounds, either. Just very detailed.)

post #2108545 post #2158936

The name is kind of confusing, though. The wiki makes it clearer.

Detailed background is just the opposite of simple background and describes any background that's in an actual scene or location.

nimphia said:
it means "background that is so detailed that it is just as, if not more, interesting than the character(s)
(Not necessarily cluttered like those backgrounds, either. Just very detailed.)
The name is kind of confusing, though. The wiki makes it clearer.

That still feels highly subjective to me to be honest, even with the wiki describing it as "Vivid, detailed, images where the artist clearly spent as much time, if not far more, working on the background than the characters in the image"

If the tag is supposed to be used as highly-detailed background then it probably could use some light touchups. You'll still have people arguing what would classify as that though



snake-girl said:
interesting from all decade-old tags like <3 and infamous cub that made a hot topic into 2 pages are nullified into aliases respectively, except for the scenery porn under the favor of authority.

<3 was merely renamed to heart_symbol, it's still the same thing. cub had a lot of points against it, including the fact that the admins didn't agree on what it means at different times.

snake-girl said:
whatever the case, go for all scenery focus - it's reasonably better choice.


seems like a different thing. scenery porn is for highly detailed backgrounds that take focus away from the characters, while scenery_focus sounds like it can be for any prominent non-simple background regardless of quality.

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