Topic: More of the Huge_Breasts Tag, Please

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Not sure of the etiquette to doing this, but I want to request that the huge_breasts tag be applied a bit better. This isn't a request for the tag to change or be applied differently. The existing wiki guideline for huge_breasts is pretty good ("equal to or exceeds the bearer's head in size").

I have huge_breasts blacklisted. I could give my full reasoning for blacklisting the tag (and thus the kink) if anybody cares, but for the moment I'm assuming nobody does.

The reason I'm making this thread is because I actually find myself adding huge_breasts tags to images pretty often. I'm willing to do some work to make my blacklists work, but if there's anyone out there who finds trawling the archive for exceptionally large breasts to sound like a fun time, I'd appreciate the support.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

I have it blacklisted too because I find it distasteful, but I don't mind helping you out.

Updated by anonymous

Part of what makes me uncomfortable with the huge_breasts tag is that it feels hard to judge. I keep worrying I'm going to make mistakes and screw up other people's searching and blacklists. That's the other reason I want more people working on this than just me.

Updated by anonymous

There are varying degrees in the breast size category of tags (at least from the collection I use commonly):

small_breasts, breasts, big_breasts, huge_breasts, and hyper_breasts

My rule of thumb is simple.

Small Breasts - characters who are A cup or below, fairly easy to see.

Breasts - Characters with a chest size that would make the breasts a handful or less.

Big Breasts - characters who have an ample bosom, more than a handful up to as large as their own cranium

Huge Breasts - anything that would impair their ability to lift their arms or move their torso with ease

Hyper breasts - anything that would impair their ability to stand, navigate doorways or tight spaces, breasts the actually weigh the character down and inhibit movement.

31h253 said:
I have huge_breasts blacklisted. I could give my full reasoning for blacklisting the tag (and thus the kink) if anybody cares, but for the moment I'm assuming nobody does.

I can only suggest if it is that unappealing to you that you blacklist other sizes as well. Its a subjective tag, what you consider huge may merely be big to someone else. Since big_breasts and huge_breasts are so intrinsically linked, the best bet is to blacklist them both. Sorry.

Updated by anonymous

As I pointed out in my first post, there's a non-subjective guideline on the wiki which seems to cover my tastes perfectly fine.

Updated by anonymous

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
There are varying degrees in the breast size category of tags (at least from the collection I use commonly):

small_breasts, breasts, big_breasts, huge_breasts, and hyper_breasts


Breasts - Characters with a chest size that would make the breasts a handful or less.

Isn't breasts an umbrella tag for all kinds of breasts? Every other breast related tag seem to be implicated to it.

Updated by anonymous

anomaly said:
Isn't breasts an umbrella tag for all kinds of breasts? Every other breast related tag seem to be implicated to it.


Updated by anonymous


breasts -huge_breasts brings up 841 pages at 84 pictures per page plus 49 more, which equals to 70,693 pictures or at least 141,386 boobies to look at.

That does sound like a fun thing to do.

Maybe I can find some time this week to clean up a few hundred pages.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
which equals to 70,693 pictures or at least 141,386 boobies to look at.

With multi_breast, you can add another 1,980 for 143,366 boobies.

Updated by anonymous

Adrian_Blazevic said:
With multi_breast, you can add another 1,980 for 143,366 boobies.

multi_breast implies breasts so they were actually already covered.

We could, however, determine how many pictures are solo and lesbian to find out how many pictures contain more than one pair.

And then Demonman comes along with this and eveything will be for naught.

Updated by anonymous

31h253 said:
Part of what makes me uncomfortable with the huge_breasts tag is that it feels hard to judge. I keep worrying I'm going to make mistakes and screw up other people's searching and blacklists. That's the other reason I want more people working on this than just me.

The wiki is still subjective. Making a vague comparison based on head size is still subjective, it requires judgement call to make the determination.

Updated by anonymous

Adrian_Blazevic said:
It also implies more than two boobies!

Thats why I said atleast 141,386 boobies!

What if one girl "only" has 3 boobs? That would completely screw up your calculation.

There may be more, but there sure as hell won't be less.

Updated by anonymous

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