Topic: [Rally Point] >>>> Reversals for the young purge go here <<<<

Posted under General

Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing but the posts.csv files in db export don't seem to have anything tagged "younghumanpurge" except for a single post and I don't think the db export has deletion reasons either. Is there any way to get a list of affected post IDs besides manually browsing or scraping the site?




luckycoyote said:
Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing but the posts.csv files in db export don't seem to have anything tagged "younghumanpurge" except for a single post and I don't think the db export has deletion reasons either. Is there anyway to get a list of affected post IDs?

Not through the DB export. delreason:*purge* only has 112 pages if you use the maximum posts per page limit of 320, though, so easy enough to go through by script.

scth said:
Not through the DB export. delreason:*purge* only has 112 pages if you use the maximum posts per page limit of 320, though, so easy enough to go through by script.

Guess I was really overthinking this. All you have to do is:

gallery-dl -s -f {id} "*young*human*" > purge.txt
