Topic: Tags angeluscolourations and eradragon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

From looking at the gallery, the character appears to be properly named Kyera.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
From looking at the gallery, the character appears to be properly named Kyera.

Yea the Characters name is Kyera, Eradragon is the artist other name. He named her in this post. So the Eradragon tag should have been an the artist tag instead of a mix up with the character's name.

Updated by anonymous

Edited most instances of eradragon to kyera, changed eradragon tag to artist type, aliased angeluscolourations to eradragon, updated artist pages for both.

Will go back through and change the rest of the posts in eradragon featuring the character, not the artist to kyera later.

Updated by anonymous

I've always thought the male version of said character is Dradragon, the female still being Kyera.. though of course I'm not exactly knowledgable on these things. :p

Updated by anonymous

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