Topic: Is there any method or strategy to blacklisting specific content? + Possible Suggestions for the future.

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I won't yuck someones yum. So I come here to seek aid. There are certain art choices and fetishes that may appeal and gravitate to others which is fine.
There are some specific Art that I keep seeing that I really just don't want see. I tried to blacklist the genre itself or the artists. But I feel like some artist(s) are loopholing the system making art inspired by the very same thing that I am trying not to see. And it seems there is a lot of it. I don't want to create and rude or negative atmosphere as I am trying my best to be respectful while expressing my issue I have with not so much the site itself. But the Artists who will not tag their content falsely or improperly. Which can be accidental totally understand things happen and we're not all human.

You also have Artist(s) and their work to be what I would say is "Subjectively Grotesque and strange content." I wonder if there is an option to black list heavily downvoted content. Or a Black List system involving Downvote followed by the number you wish to see less of. Oh say something with 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 Downvotes.

I honestly don't want to sound toxic or anything. But to individually seek these out. Scar myself only to blacklist the artist when the damage is somewhat done. I feel like there should be a less triggering method to not see such content on the platform. Nothing against those who are into those specific art choices. It's just not for me.

The filtering system can only do so much. There are things that I might like that others don't too. It goes both ways and I kinda wish there is some more QoL improvements to the blacklist system.
Or implement a whitelist system if it doesn't already exsist making it so you see more content / artists in relation to your interests.

I feel like there needs to be a happy medium where we can filter things out and keep them filtered out.

For example: I scroll through perhaps 10 pages after a week of not being on the site, with stuff I already have blacklisted I eventually come across or tend to find stuff that is pretty much 1:1 Carbon copy of something I already blacklisted. So I blacklist the artist. Only to find another artist again with similar content.

Super sorry if I sound disrespectful or rude, or someone who is kink shaming that's not my point. And I apologize in advance if it comes off like that. I genuinely mean no ill will by this. I am just expressing my experience on the platform.

you can blacklist by score if you don't want to see heavily downvoted stuff.

what are you trying to blacklist and how is your blacklist formatted? you shouldn't be seeing things that you have blacklisted if it's formatted correctly and the images are tagged correctly