Topic: [APPROVED] Underwear is not (always) Bottomwear

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9755 is active.

remove implication furgonomic_underwear (192) -> furgonomic_bottomwear (1689)
create implication furgonomic_underwear (192) -> underwear (363139)

Reason: underwear -> clothing, not bottomwear
Followup: implicate furgonomic_underwear -> furgonomics

EDIT: The bulk update request #9755 (forum #425202) has been approved by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

Using this BUR to comment that we imply furgonomic clothing to furgonomics directly rather than going through furgonomic clothing. I wonder if that would be better for search or if it doesn't really matter

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