Topic: Makes Absorption the Main Tag instead of Absorption Vore; Also Implies it to Transformation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9859 is pending approval.

remove implication butt_absorption (40) -> absorption_vore (1669)
remove implication absorption_vore (1669) -> vore (72601)
remove alias absorbtion (0) -> absorption_vore (1669)
remove alias absorption (0) -> absorption_vore (1669)
remove alias absorbtion_vore (0) -> absorption_vore (1669)

Reason: More Below:

alias absorption_vore -> absorption
alias absorbtion -> absorption
alias absorbtion_vore -> absorption

implicate absorption -> vore
implicate absorption -> transformation
implicate butt_absorption -> absorption
update absorbtion_vore -> absorption

Reason: Primarily so Absorption itself is the main tag.
Absorption is as much a type of vore as it is a type of transformation, and the word "Absorption" is simply used as the overarching term for what is being done as an activity, you can even check the absorption_vore tag to find it explaining absorption as someone merely being "Absorbed", only to then follow it up with "Absorption Vore"- My point here is that adding "Vore" after is a redundancy, because Absorption is already doing the heavy lifting.
In addition to that, the amount of kinks that ARE or CAN BE connected to this kink- Transformation, Merging, Assimilation, to name a few, aren't necessarily "vore" either, as much as they are simply transformation, or a creature becoming a part of another creature, while still technically being absorption.
Those, combined with the "Absorption already kind of means to engulf or soak up something, it doesn't need the word vore after it", are pretty good reasons for this change.

spotte said:
In addition to that, the amount of kinks that ARE or CAN BE connected to this kink- Transformation, Merging, Assimilation, to name a few, aren't necessarily "vore" either, as much as they are simply transformation, or a creature becoming a part of another creature, while still technically being absorption.
Those, combined with the "Absorption already kind of means to engulf or soak up something, it doesn't need the word vore after it", are pretty good reasons for this change.

I wouldn't call absorption transformation. Transformation is when something becomes another thing, whereas absorption is something being absorbed into something else that's already there (and that original thing may or may not change).

I also don't see why you'd change absorption_vore to absorption, when absorption would still be vore. It's making it less obvious what the tag is for.

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