Topic: Tag alias: tailsock -> tail_warmer

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



... Do we alias socks and gloves to legwarmers and armwarmers? I was under the impression a "warmer" had a very different form factor to a sock.

votp said:
... Do we alias socks and gloves to legwarmers and armwarmers? I was under the impression a "warmer" had a very different form factor to a sock.

Yeah, I can see there being a distinction between a tailsock which would have a closed end, and a tail_warmer which would have an open end, just like other types of "warmer".



Also, regarding the difference between socks and stockings in general: stockings are often thin and sheer, while socks are thick and opaque. Stockings are often decorative and feminine, while socks are often plain and unisex. I believe the same distinction might apply to tail coverings.

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