Topic: change higlafavtfom and related to monstervillagevn

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #10387 is pending approval.

mass update higlafavtfom -> monstervillagevn
mass update runan_(higlafavtfom) -> runan_(monstervillagevn)
mass update koku_(higlafavtfom) -> koku_(monstervillagevn)
mass update joseph_(higlafavtfom) -> joseph_(monstervillagevn)
mass update ridge_(higlafavtfom) -> ridge_(monstervillagevn)
mass update jin_(higlafavtfom) -> jin_(monstervillagevn)
mass update leo_(higlafavtfom) -> leo_(monstervillagevn)

Reason: Creator of VN uses "monstervillagevn" as the shortened name rather than acronyms for the Visual Novel in all social media and official posts.

Should be an alias instead, that way the old tags link to the new ones and can’t be used again.