The bulk update request #10395 is pending approval.
change category ainu_text (1) -> meta
create implication ainu_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category armenian_text (1) -> meta
create implication armenian_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category belarusian_text (1) -> meta
create implication belarusian_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category circular_gallifreyan_text (6) -> meta
create implication circular_gallifreyan_text (6) -> fictional_language (411)
create implication hylian_text (4) -> fictional_language (411)
change category jamaican_patois_text (2) -> meta
create implication jamaican_patois_text (2) -> text (1244604)
change category old_norse_text (1) -> meta
create implication old_norse_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category ogham_text (3) -> meta
create implication ogham_text (3) -> text (1244604)
change category walloon_text (1) -> meta
create implication walloon_text (1) -> text (1244604)
Reason: To be consistent with all the other [language]_text tags. Fictional languages still imply text, like furbish text.
EDIT: Fictional languages actually imply text through transitivity [fictional]_text -> fictional language -> constructed language -> text. I feel like this is wrong, through. I bring this up in topic #55157