Topic: [language]_text BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #10395 is pending approval.

change category ainu_text (1) -> meta
create implication ainu_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category armenian_text (1) -> meta
create implication armenian_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category belarusian_text (1) -> meta
create implication belarusian_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category circular_gallifreyan_text (6) -> meta
create implication circular_gallifreyan_text (6) -> fictional_language (411)
create implication hylian_text (4) -> fictional_language (411)
change category jamaican_patois_text (2) -> meta
create implication jamaican_patois_text (2) -> text (1244604)
change category old_norse_text (1) -> meta
create implication old_norse_text (1) -> text (1244604)
change category ogham_text (3) -> meta
create implication ogham_text (3) -> text (1244604)
change category walloon_text (1) -> meta
create implication walloon_text (1) -> text (1244604)

Reason: To be consistent with all the other [language]_text tags. Fictional languages still imply text, like furbish text.

EDIT: Fictional languages actually imply text through transitivity [fictional]_text -> fictional language -> constructed language -> text. I feel like this is wrong, through. I bring this up in topic #55157


do we count old hylian syllabary, new hylian syllabary, modern hylian alphabet and ancient hylian alphabet as the same thing? because two of them are character cypher for katakana and two are character cyphers for english, and they all look different.