Topic: Tag Implication: Flygon -> Dragon, Scalie

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating Flygon → Dragon, Scalie


Flygon is inconsistently tagged. It's a dragon type pokemon and I'm reasonably confident all of the depictions of it count as scalie as well. Counter-examples welcome, of course.

(Sorry for the messed up implication suggestion. Edited to fix.)

Updated by Genjar

31h253 said:
Implicating Flygon → Dragon, Scalie


Flygon is inconsistently tagged. It's a dragon type pokemon and I'm reasonably confident all of the depictions of it count as scalie as well. Counter-examples welcome, of course.

(Sorry for the messed up implication suggestion. Edited to fix.)

Dragon type pokemon =/= dragon
On top of which, if you do a humanized version of it, then it wouldn't be tagged as dragon or scalie, so the implication is bad.

Updated by anonymous

never fear your resident dragon and dragon enthusist is here!

ok, so Flygon was designed to resemble a dragonfly, which is an insect but being that flygon is a dragon type it does get considered a dragon but insect and dragon would both be incorrect! you see flygon is a speacies of pokemon keyword speacies so I beilve the correct thing would be tag it as flygon and in addition to what Halite said if you do a humanized one would be a plot tweest ultimatly making this a bad implication is a true statement

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
never fear your resident dragon and dragon enthusist is here!

ok, so Flygon was designed to resemble a dragonfly, which is an insect but being that flygon is a dragon type it does get considered a dragon but insect and dragon would both be incorrect! you see flygon is a speacies of pokemon keyword speacies so I beilve the correct thing would be tag it as flygon and in addition to what Halite said if you do a humanized one would be a plot tweest ultimatly making this a bad implication is a true statement

on the topic of pokemon species, how can you tell if it's anthro or feral. Looking at this one I see an anthro but someone has added the feral tag to it. post #442509

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
ok, so Flygon was designed to resemble a dragonfly[...]


Given how Flygon's evolutionary line (Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon) plays out, Flygon takes its design cues from antlions (, not dragonflies. That said, adult antlions do resemble damselflies.

I invite the OP to look at Goodra, which is a Dragon-type but tagged as goo and/or slug.

Updated by anonymous

pc-king said:
on the topic of pokemon species, how can you tell if it's anthro or feral. Looking at this one I see an anthro but someone has added the feral tag to it. post #442509

blazeken is an anthro speacies anyway but using the TWYS system its an antro picture either way so it should be tagged anthro regardless at least in my opinoin...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

pc-king said:
on the topic of pokemon species, how can you tell if it's anthro or feral. Looking at this one I see an anthro but someone has added the feral tag to it. post #442509

Those are always troublesome, but like the wiki says: use your best judgment.

If someone who knows nothing about Pokemon sees a Blaziken for a first time... they'll probably think that it's an anthro avian, maybe a phoenix or somesuch.

And that particular one even has nipples, so it's been anthropomorphized to some degree. I'd definitely tag it as anthro. In general, it's pretty hard to draw Blaziken in a way that makes it look more feral than anthro.

Updated by anonymous

Oh OK, found this easily! I guess I did good by tagging those Therapist Flygon images as dragon, because she has a dragon body type (technically wyvern?), not just 'type' like in the game. Also saw the BUR topic mentioning issues with 'types'. Thanks for info!

post #2595134 for reference
Notice the reptile tail and the head shape. Kind of sure that's a dragon body type.

Not a wyvern. I was thinking of the ones with only wings as arms.


I’m not really sure about that, myself. I typically remove the dragon tag any time I see flygon, goodra, latias, or other “dragon types” since those don’t really look like dragons. Even in this case, I think I’d rather it be tagged as arthropod or something. Charizard, on the other hand, is perfectly fine getting the dragon tag since it looks essentially just like a bipedalized western dragon.

I guess... TBF, Flygon also looks like an insect. A dragonflygon? XD

I've seen everything from straight (and not so straight) noodles, to fluffdragons, to OMG WAY TOO MANY WINGS dragons.

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