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  • An archer on e621 who's actually holding the bow properly? That's almost as impressive as the fluff on that tail.

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  • Orion_R said:
    An archer on e621 who's actually holding the bow properly? That's almost as impressive as the fluff on that tail.

    Does one normally stick their muzzle through the string snap area? I've been doing it all wrong!

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  • Orion_R said:
    An archer on e621 who's actually holding the bow properly? That's almost as impressive as the fluff on that tail.

    As a left-handed hobbyist archer I always have to look REEEALLY hard at right-handed archers to figure out whether they're holding the bow properly.

    Animal_Dicks said:
    Does one normally stick their muzzle through the string snap area? I've been doing it all wrong!

    No, they usually don't, as she isn't. The angle of her arms is holding the bow out further than a human would by about one inch beyond the length of her muzzle.

    Crokey said:
    It's not good.
    The Khajiits have human feet, normally.

    Since Morrowind Bethesda has changed khajiit feet to be plantigrade to save on coding, animation, and modeling for something that wouldn't normally bother anyone. Even in Morrowind their feet were short enough that you could have feasibly fit them into roughly size 14 shoes. This isn't a normal size for humans, but it IS on the market. Honestly though, I really think the main reason they changed it was because they were sick of trying (and failing) to animate a fluid looking digitigrade walk cycle.

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  • Greenjack said:
    I really think the main reason they changed it was because they were sick of trying (and failing) to animate a fluid looking digitigrade walk cycle.

    And yet, I installed Yiff Age in my Skyrim, and the digitigrade animation is pretty spot on. And that was fan made.

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  • It's that Bethesda's too lazy to bother to make most races anything more than reskins save for the faces. No different skeletons to deal with too. But then you see plenty of modders doing it, and they did it for Morrowind to begin with. It's extra work but a good RPG doesn't cut corners on assets if it's important to the world lore. Yes, humans with anthropromorphic traits exist in ES as the same race, but that was of an earlier era.

    Also, plantigrade/human on anything anthro is trash (read: bad), in my not very important opinion. Personally, I hate it so I'm glad that this one is properly digitigrade.

    If modders can do digitigrade with no problem and use the same skeletons as Bethesda, there really is no excuse for them to not make them differentiated except laziness. There's a good reason why Morrowind is frequently hailed as the better ES game in most ways.

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  • Why do I have to keep telling you people that Morrowind is the exception, not the rule?

    In LITERALLY every other TES game, Argonians and Khajiit had plantigrade feet. It isn't laziness on bethesda's part. They just went back to doing it the old way... and there's NOTHING wrong with that. At all.


    Khajiit feet in ESO are literally the best thing. All dem lil claws <3

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  • Fenrick said:
    Honestly, plantigrade feet just make more sense for bipeds.

    Unless they have a TAIL, then it would make more sence course that would give the tail a technical purpose

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  • fenrick said:
    Might actually be a decent point, not that we have a whole lot of bipedal animals to go off of though.

    They weren't humanoid but that's what the theropod dinosaurs used its tail for, it would help it keep balance on its digitigrade legs

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  • fenrick said:
    Might actually be a decent point, not that we have a whole lot of bipedal animals to go off of though.

    ichicora-uzumaki said:

    They weren't humanoid but that's what the theropod dinosaurs used its tail for, it would help it keep balance on its digitigrade legs

    Kangaroos. Nuff said.

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