created by cosmicminerals and fuzzamorous
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Some of yall

  • Comments
  • I have actually gone trough couple animations frame by frame, discarding inferior flash video frames to make the video conversion look as good quality as it can be without having access to source files. That process alone took couple hours, thus I do not even bother anymore.

    Now just thinking about coloring all those frames, even with just basic flats, would still take many MANY times more time and effort already. If it's anything more than basic loop then you have some amount of work there and sadly modern society lives on money and your time and effort is worth of money.

    The amount of free content available which is coming in daily, including free edits, colorings and sound edits to excisting works and rise of motion tween animations makes it easy for some to forget how much actual effort it does take to make an actual 2D animation. After all, with tweening animation you usually only need one single completely finished picture to work with, so of course they usually are at least insanely well colored and have much more time to focus on other areas as well. Also the reason why small loops and 3D content are common, they take less time so they can more easily contain color and even sound and pushed out faster.

    Pretty sure users described on the image are the ones who see something amazing, freely on the internet and then simply voice out what they are thinking on the comments, meaning they will more happily move on to consume next piece and the next day they don't even remember they commended. I would personally just ignore these kind of comments unless they want to have some other input on the matter excluding entitlement.

    Oh wow, that was brain dump.

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  • TokaiTori said:
    Sounds like someone is a bit butthurt.

    Please elaborate in a way that expresses your actual opinion.

    I am understanding that not everyone has the funds to be able to see their or a favorite piece brought to completion. Same as I understand when someone wishes to commission but doesn't have funds for what they want.

    This is merely an expression of slight frustration that there is a very unnecessary and vocal lack of satisfaction with the end result because of a factor that could not be financially supported.

    FoxFourOhFour said:
    Welcome to the internet.

    Ive been on the internet as long as middle schoolers have been alive. You as well. Instead of just trying to say some over used and vague quip, form an actual opinion to share.

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  • CosmicMinerals said: Instead of just trying to say some over used and vague quip, form an actual opinion to share.

    You obviously don't know the concept of humor. I'm sure you'll get plenty of "Opinions" to suit you shortly.

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  • FoxFourOhFour said:
    You obviously don't know the concept of humor. I'm sure you'll get plenty of "Opinions" to suit you shortly.

    "welcome to the internet" is a stupid quip, and replying with "you obviously don't know the concept of humor" instead of actually elaborating on your perspective makes it easy to infer you don't really have an opinion. You just feel a need to say "deal with it" to anyone who mildly states a problem.

    This image post is a response to some of my current struggles with animating in the furry fandom, its an expression about why most of my work (and anyone's work) is short, rough, and uncolored. It's a soft nudge to let people know that I get drained being told time and time again that I didn't finish my work when i did, and it's also why I'm currently doing a lot less animated work in general.

    The internet doesn't care; "welcome to the internet" so I'm caring less and starting to move on to other things.

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  • FoxFourOhFour said:
    Seriously, You don't own the comment space, And you're on a public archive. People will make jokes, They will be silly. If you want serious grown up discussion, A pornography archive isn't the place to expect it.

    Don't be that guy.

    Don't try to defend a statement like "Your on a public archive" to somebody who actually produces things for said archive that we all get to see for free.

    I understand crux of this issue between commentating and creating, but when it comes to the artist verses the masses you have to see that the artist really as the control, as commenters your really just an aileron .

    The Dude/dudette isn't whining pretentiously, he/she is just trying to lay down the issue, both personal and general.

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  • FuzzAmorous said:

    This image post is a response to some of my current struggles with animating in the furry fandom, its an expression about why most of my work (and anyone's work) is short, rough, and uncolored. It's a soft nudge to let people know that I get drained being told time and time again that I didn't finish my work when i did, and it's also why I'm currently doing a lot less animated work in general.

    I'm really sorry to hear that your struggling. I know a lot of people would just tell you to nut/ovary up and keep doing what you do, but as an artist and fellow animator I can relate to that kind of stress.

    It's probably the main reason why I've never posted anything anywhere, and its not just those general fears of having somebody comment poorly on my work or try and steal it/Repurpose personal property, I never wanted to feel like I was letting people down or having something great expected out of me every time I created something, even in THIS community.

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  • Mikrofawn said:
    Don't be that guy.

    Don't try to defend a statement like "Your on a public archive" to somebody who actually produces things for said archive that we all get to see for free.

    I understand crux of this issue between commentating and creating, but when it comes to the artist verses the masses you have to see that the artist really as the control, as commenters your really just an aileron .

    The Dude/dudette isn't whining pretentiously, he/she is just trying to lay down the issue, both personal and general.

    It wasn't a defense. It was the fact that myself and one other posted an extremely simplified response that summed up a lot of people's feelings on the matter (Hence the upvotes) only to be called out A WEEK LATER for it not being an 18-volume dissertation on art vs the media or some other such crap.

    I pointed out the fact this is a porn archive because on the one hand they're complaining about this sort of response, When on the other they're expecting a more intelligent response from people who, Quite frankly, Come here to fap and are as likely as art connoseurs to pay 500$ for a literal crayon sketch than they would for a professional level of quality.

    Furthermore, As an artist of many decades myself, I learned a long time ago if you're going to do anything that's both satisfying and rewarding to both you and the people you're aiming to art for, You either grow a fucking pair or go to a site more art-centered and less lowest-common-denominator like Deviantart or Weasly or such.

    So every time I see a 'comment' like this piece it makes me facepalm SO HARD. I get where the artist is coming from, But to be quite honest it's the SAME thing EVERY burnt out artist says, And then they KEEP DOING IT.

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  • FuzzAmorous said:
    The internet doesn't care; "welcome to the internet" so I'm caring less and starting to move on to other things.

    Ok bye lol

    Werner said:
    I have a similar thing named the criticism butt

    It needs to be nice things only
    It needs to go into detail
    It needs to avoid provoking the artwork's creator

    BUT we artists don't want to pay for it

    Spot on.

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  • Fuzzy,

    I understand your frustration; it's easy for a lot of us to request what seem like minor details without thinking about the hours of work needed to cover those 'buts'. Your animations are among the most polished I've seen on here and I know even short, simple works represent hours of commitment. Thanks for all the great stuff so far.

    Don't let the fandom get you down. You're an extremely talented artist. I hope you keep pursuing whatever projects make you happy, be they animated or otherwise, and help you continue to grow creatively.

    TL:DR = Thanks for the Gud Shit. Keep being awesome.

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  • mairo said:
    I have actually gone trough couple animations frame by frame, discarding inferior flash video frames to make the video conversion look as good quality as it can be without having access to source files. That process alone took couple hours, thus I do not even bother anymore.

    Now just thinking about coloring all those frames, even with just basic flats, would still take many MANY times more time and effort already. If it's anything more than basic loop then you have some amount of work there and sadly modern society lives on money and your time and effort is worth of money.

    The amount of free content available which is coming in daily, including free edits, colorings and sound edits to excisting works and rise of motion tween animations makes it easy for some to forget how much actual effort it does take to make an actual 2D animation. After all, with tweening animation you usually only need one single completely finished picture to work with, so of course they usually are at least insanely well colored and have much more time to focus on other areas as well. Also the reason why small loops and 3D content are common, they take less time so they can more easily contain color and even sound and pushed out faster.

    Pretty sure users described on the image are the ones who see something amazing, freely on the internet and then simply voice out what they are thinking on the comments, meaning they will more happily move on to consume next piece and the next day they don't even remember they commended. I would personally just ignore these kind of comments unless they want to have some other input on the matter excluding entitlement.

    Oh wow, that was brain dump.

    Bro I am not reading your essay.

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