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  • Ssyba_Yrruf said:
    Definitely getting this game. I hope the plot is interesting but It's a Pokemon game so...

    What does that have do with anything? Pokemon can tell a damn good story when they want too, i.e. B&W1&2 and S&M. D&P's story is also super underrated.

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  • Alright time to review Zacian.

    This thing is goddamn busted in competitive due to its stats and move pool. The best four moves for her is Close Combat, Play Rough (which gets STAB), Thundershock, and signature move Behemoth Blade. Good thing she was banned. Another thing is Hop, if you play Shield version will use this moveset on her and you'll feel like is this really fair? No it's not. The only way to get around this is to use a very fast Ground/Fire Type, or have friendship points on your Pokemon. Outside of those cons, this Pokemon has a pretty good design and lore also origin.

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