judy hopps (zootopia and etc) created by naive tabby
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  • Comments
  • This artwork is very attractive! which is why it's such a shame that it doesn't feel quite like the character of Judy Hopps if that makes sense, nor look like it for that matter.

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  • kunaiwithchain said:
    This artwork is very attractive! which is why it's such a shame that it doesn't feel quite like the character of Judy Hopps if that makes sense, nor look like it for that matter.

    I agree on the artwork. What's bothering me is how the genitals are attached.. to the thigh? like, a big sinew of muscle connects the two?

    I mean, I'll discount that Judy is a woman with a dick, that the hat is not only not even a hat but it also doesn't feature the ZPD logo, but I can't get over that weird sinew-y attachment over her buttocks.

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  • kunaiwithchain said:
    This artwork is very attractive! which is why it's such a shame that it doesn't feel quite like the character of Judy Hopps if that makes sense, nor look like it for that matter.

    neutronicxz said:
    That moment when you realize you accidentally brought a real gun to your sexy fun times and not a fake one.

    C'mon guys, everyone needs to do a little Desk-Pop from time to time. Totally common.

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  • Another skilled line drawer with good colouring ability, and absolutely no sense of direction other than to just pander to the lowest (and loudest) common requester.
    The ideals of using ones abilities for good died years ago.
    Such a shame.
    Oh and...
    post #891499

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  • You really love whining on every single Judy Hopps image, don't you?

    I really love to whine on every single Judy Cocks image, don't I.

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