created by tsaiwolf
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Where is this leading me? What have I become? Am I more than what I was, or less?

Since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything from God, for justice, to simple psychotic rage.

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Corporations have more power than the government. We as a society often think that we have a right to expand, absorb, convert, or possess anything we need to reach our dreams. But time and time again, hasn't this led to conflicts with others who essentially believe the same thing?

How often have we chased the dream of progress, only to see that dream perverted? I could have given up by now, but my need to uncover the truth, to uncover the secrets others are hiding, and to survive, forces me to keep on going.

Even in a book of lies, sometimes you find truth.

History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If they lives, and we die, their truth becomes written - and ours is lost. The Illuminati will be the word. 'Cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. They're about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history. Their truth will be the truth. But only if they live, and we die.

I never had a choice of what happened to me. Technology offers strength, strength enables dominance, and dominance paves the way for abuse. This technology, this strength, the temptation to misuse it is hard to resist.

Am I strong enough to stay human?

Change doesn't come without pain.

War… war never changes.

I won't rest until I find the truth.

This ends now.

  • Comments
  • And then he was seen, and since he was in Extreme mode, his mission failed and his support character screamed his name into the codec...

    "Vulpes, come in! What's your situation? ...VUUUULLLPEEEEEEESSSSS~!!"

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  • Hampuusi said:
    I'd like to see where this is going.. The story I mean :)

    Probably not rape like you hope. More like death if caught.

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  • Its a nice pic, I just have to point out from the looks of it where the fox is crouched down it seems hes in the middle of the floor, obviously would be seen so it doesn't look like he hiding against the wall where I think he was meant to be.

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