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MemberEnter the Konami code for bonus sceen
MemberUpdate was, volume control
MemberThe interactive buttons have been fixed. The sound on the first page for one.
MemberOk the apron in the beginning comes off faster and music lowers because when I played it you had to get to the scene after this to be able to turn down the music. So far that is all I notice on updates.
user 39707
MemberThe Replay button shouldn't throw you all the way back to the front. The voice in some scenes is incredibly quiet, even with the music down.
MemberWorth the wait.
Sexy Sombra
MemberFantastic, absolutely fantastic!
Buttons mum is best milf.
Sexy Sombra
MemberUp, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
MemberClicking on Button's dick during the blowjob scene turns it into a joystick
MemberBecause fuck logic
Sweetie Bot
MemberSome sort of scene select option would be nice, but this is pretty good.
BlockedI went and looked up the command, so everyone, calm your testicles. You no longer have to bawl about being force to read my blocks of text xD Will re-post before the prior gets removed this time, because I'm going away for the weekend.
*snrk* Okay, can say got a good first impression on this xD Someone was out to have fun with this. And really amusing they could get the people acting in on this as well. But yeah, seems like the first goal with this was to go for the lols, and they do it well in those aspects.
Ah, well, anyhow, seems like this was quite the collab, and imo in that aspect embraces the "friendship" aspect of the show, if allowed to be that cheesy heh. But yeah, from the first intro scene, it looked quiet a bit more promising than other prior work. (still a little lacking in depth, but it does "unfold", so, so far it works) Might finally match this time. (and won't take anything into account regarding what I feel for the characters as a whole. As tbh, Buttons mom and Button feel a bit flat in certain areas. Though we've not seen too much other than bland and comedy purpose of them)
Anyhow, to avoid rambling further: So far it looks good. Can only hope it will stay that way. Or at least manage to be half as good in one direction as the other. One small bug seems to be that you need to click the "crotch breasts" twice for it to turn on. Music is a tad bit high compared to the voice though. At least in headphones, for me at least heh. Movements and loop also get points. Comes along very fluidly. And okay, just noticed what I thought was the hp bar was the volume for music xD And do have to say considering the option, removing crotch tits should remove the second scene as well. As well... it kinda goes against having the option there xP Also, the "that's right, drink up" voice line cuts off, don't think that's intended. Nice with the decent, subtle moans as well.
So far it's done good. Like the subtle puns here and there. The first cumshot scene does neatly with winking and all. The ejaculate point seems a little odd considering it seems to be in the location of the clit, but other than that it's a good scene. (could've have a bit more notable cumshot on buttons however, (like, him catching a spurt in his mouth) sorta just "goes off into the distance" on the left side of his face) ... not sure what exactly you can click and turn his penis into in the next scene tbh... but it does seem to bug A LOT shifting back and forth. (and a little disappoint you can't socks buttons xP) Vaginal scene is quite good. Could've used some wall movement though tbh. And I do get the 69 with the size difference... Buttons feels over-proportionate in penis size though... and too quiet tbh. His mom feels a tad bit passive and one sided with some comments, but could be her personality, even if that'd be the generic one. Can say winking felt a bit absent in the final scene. Same with an orgasm for his mom...
And the konami code was amusing little easter egg. Ending was... ~eh, indifferent to it. Overall, it was a bit above decent, good even. It had a lot of content, some felt like it had a tad bit much attention to it, some felt like it didn't get enough. But as a whole much better than the generic stuff that gets churned out. It at least had a little for everyone... assuming they like the required x and y ofc xD Last comment wise, can say a little "aw..." at no clit sucking. (and a lacking "finish" for his mom) And surprised the ... median ring is it called? that thing whatever, was surprised it wasn't on for once. If I'd have to rate it, would be 6.5 I think. And considering the last flash I saw got a -1, that is a good score xD Good work on it.
Oh, and regarding a "secret ending", I doubt there is one. After following the regular Mittsies action, I can conclude there doesn't seem to be any. Unless it's well hidden scrip and sprite wise. And hum... feels like I forgot to add something I recalled after I posted the prior... ah well :P
I was a little dissapointed on that note that his mom didn't have anything similar. Like a USB port xP
Memberwell put. Might i also add
I don't really have anything to say. Just wanted to try this.
Memberlol the cheat code
Memberlol the cheat code
MemberForgive my generic praise, but this is awesome.
BlockedTHis has taken clopping to a whole new level. Very impressive :)
MemberIt's always great to discover new toys to play with.
MemberI don't understand what's going on in the ending.
MemberWorth all the wait!
The whole sex scene is a simulation on his virtual head gear. He didn't realize his mom was actually blowing him off until after he turned the headgear off. xD
BlockedFirstly: Shesh, people are never satisfied, always find something to be butthurt about. Do what they ask, they still whine about it or find something new... (regarding down-voting)
Anyhow, regarding the "hidden scene". (you asked about in the other post) Lemme try to be more blunt this time: I downloaded the flash swf file, I decompiled the whole thing, took it apart frame by frame, sprite by sprite, layer by layer. There IS no hidden scene. Likely just a prank pulled to have people flailing searching for it... I haven't checked this corrected version for one, but could do if you'd want me to.
Memberno don't go through all that. I don't really care anymore. I'm more focused on the new Applejack flash now. Gotta find the second ending on it!
MemberThe song is called, "Under the Waves" by Pendulum.
^_^ my favorite band.
BlockedAight. Takes generally around 5 min to check though xP
And it's not hard to find, just click the second button x3
Unless there's a supposed other ending than the 2 presented... decompile ahoy! xD
And I knew that'd happen... dunno why they went and released simultaneously. Anyone that knows a pinch about marketing can tell you why that is a awful idea.
MemberNot good enough .
MemberThis is really amazing
Member( i ) Dinner's getting cold. :D ( i )
MemberWhy are crotch tits off by default? Isn't the option to turn them off mostly there for the people who bitch about them otherwise?
MemberDamn it. And I just barely learned how to do this...
MemberYou can get an infinite amount of 1ups, but you're bad enough to never have full hp. :c
Memberwhat is the BG song?
MemberWhere is the anal?
Memberdem puns... O3O
The Archangel
MemberI'm...strangely...ok with this
Memberkonami code doesnt work for me...
MemberWhere do you enter the code at?
Memberi dont get the end..he was watching a simulation of him bucking his mom..while his mon was bucking him? or did i miss something?
MemberI can't help chuckling at the puns. >3<
I love that music, though... owo
I need a link... to the music.
*Insert DJ Link with the instruments of any or every game(s)*
BlockedPendulum Immersion - Under The Waves
ArtSkunk EsmeBelles
MemberWhat exactly is this second ending? Cant find it
Memberthen you did it wrong
MemberThat Metal Gear Solid reference. "Don't even think about using autofire, I'll know"
Memberclick it exactly like this: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
You might have to imput it more then once to get it to work
MemberHow much you willing to bet the game onnthe konami codenwas what he was playing while he was getting sucked in the simulation duringnwhich he was getting sucked?
sidenote: suckedception
BlockedUp, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B
MemberVR is great! oh... wait...
Flutterbat lover
BlockedDPS me harder. lol
MemberThis is made of pure fucking win! Needs Moaaaaaarrrr!!! ;-)
MemberSir Anonymous
Memberthats some good parenting.
Captain No Name
MemberMy god. The fucking puns.
MemberThese are the best puns ever. I'm literally just watching for the puns.
Tactical Puncake
Memberwhat is the song name
MemberThe song name is "Under the Waves" by Pendulum.
For some reason, voice acting like this in a flash animaton like that makes me feel more awkward then turned on... Still liked it, though.
Memberor you can right click and hit play, well, only on certain PC's that don't support "rightclick_extras" which was added to flash games to stop people from cheating (thats my reasoning why adobe added that), bbut for me I can just right click and hit play to see all scenes, even deleted ones, or forward frame by frame once an animation stops or is on its end-loop.
Member"How much memory will you allow allow on this computer?"
*immediately sets to unlimited to contribute to this site as much as possible* Here, shut up and take my data storage / ram.
("shut up and take my money!" Parody)
Basscannon Supreme
MemberAfter so long i figured out the way to the anal scene (instead of clicking where to cum at the end click "next") haha
Memberwtf are the controls?
Blockedhow do u press those buttons with hooves??
Member*playing metal gear solid: twin snakes*
"Dont even think about using auto-fire or i'll know"
i then proceeded to spit out my drink and burst out laughing because i had heard that here first before the game
Memberbah flagged wrong post
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