krystal (nintendo and etc) created by diamondstorm
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The jungle foliage rustles loudly as you push your way through large leafy plants. Vines and ivy grab at your limbs and half buried rocks attempt to trip you, but you press on. Your guide said the spot wasn't far... but come to think of it, you realize that you hadn't seen your guide in a worrisome amount of time. Your heart jolts as you glance around the dense jungle and are unable to see any other creatures.

"Krystal!" you half shout half whisper into the green-tinted shadows. "Where are you?"

Hearing no reply you start to reach into a belt at your side and fumble with various pieces of high-tech equipment. But before you can extract one, the rustling of leaves catches your attention, and then a moment later a blue fox appears by your side.

"No need to be frightened," she says comfortingly. "I didn't go far... only to check the path ahead. I won't abandon you."

You give a sigh of relief and take her dainty hand in yours. "I know you won't... but this planet is dangerous, I was worried you might have run into something; like another dinosaur."

"You'd know for sure if a sharp-tooth tried to eat me," she said with a smirk. "They make much noise. Now come, the pool is not far."

The two of you probably seemed like a very odd couple trekking through the tropical jungles of Sauria together. You were an off-world surveyor, on a mission from Cortana to assess the habitat and ecosystems of this strange dinosaur filled planet. Krystal on the other hand was a native of this world, and so far she was the only friendly one you'd encountered. She had survived in these lush forests and with deadly scaly predators for as long as you had survived in your forests of steel and concrete, and with the kinds of predators that stalked corporate offices.

You met Krystal by chance soon after you landed and established your base camp. You were as surprised to find another warm blooded creature here as much as she was surprised to meet you. Her curiosity about you was obvious, and with your own need for information about this planet, you gladly befriended her and had hardly left her side since. Of course, besides being knowledgeable about Sauria, it didn't hurt that Krystal was also jaw-droppingly gorgeous!

The tribal fox had beautiful blue fur with a white belly, marsh green eyes, and an assortment of white tattoos. She wore very scant clothing; a tattered cloth bra and loincloth with a gold head band and gold rings around her fluffy tail. Her appearance was so startlingly exotic and attractive, that it took you a while to feel comfortable around her. After being raised in space age cities around reserved society, spending time with a beautiful, half naked fox girl was not something you'd had a lot of practice with, but you were were warming up to the experience very much!

"Look, here we are," said Krystal in a low voice peering between some hanging leaves. "This is a special place, I never share it with anyone before."

The leaves parted revealing a large open space devoid of vegetation. The ground was hard and rocky, and studded around the landscape were large pools of shimmering greenish water. Some of the pools were bubbling and steaming, while others were still as glass, all of them reflected the dusk sky light with magical tranquility. The entire area had a peculiar smell that was a bit salty, but enjoyable.

"Fascinating," you breath stepping into the area. "It's a natural hot spring."

You bend down and try to taste some of the water, but quickly spit it out.

"Water here is not good for drinking," said Krystal smiling sympathetically.

"Yeah, no kidding," you chuckle. "Probably rich in alien minerals, I should get a sample for my survey. This will be great data for the federation to analyze."

"Then it's a good place?" asked Krystal.

"Yes, thank you for showing me," you answer. Then being overcome by her endearing and curious smile, you reach out and rub the top of her fluffy head, behind the ears. She looks surprised for a moment, but then accepts your petting with a gentle hum.

You suddenly feel embarrassed by your own forwardness, so you turn away and reach down to collect some of the spring water in a scientific instrument.

"You know, Krystal..." you begin to speak while your back is to the pretty fox. Pent up feelings of affection bubbling to the surface like the water in these pools. "I've uh... really enjoyed our time together. Not just because you've taught me a lot about Sauria... If you're free later tonight... I'd love to invite you back to my cam..."

You finally turn around to see what your companion was doing, and your tongue goes limp in your mouth. Krystal had stepped into one of the shallow pools, knee deep, and had just removed her small loincloth. The thin fabric already offered such poor coverage, allowing anyone to admire her soft thighs and round butt. More than once you'd caught yourself staring when prowling through the jungle behind her, though the primitive fox never seemed to notice or mind. But this was too much! Now she was completely bottomless, and yourself now completely hypnotized! Krystal slowly lowers herself into the steaming pool, letting the water go up to her belly, and removing her lower half from view. She turns to look at you just as the spell breaks.

"Water no good for drinking," she says. "But it's very good for bathing." Then sighing she leans back against the rocks and gives a relaxed smile. "Feels so good... after a long day of running from sharp teeth. These waters heal your hurts and injuries. Please, come in with me."

"Oh!... uh... I don't know if I should."

"Why not? This pool is perfect, not too hot or cool."

"It's not the temperature... it's... well, what if dinosaurs attack us here? We should keep moving."

"No sharp-teeth enter this place," she answers. "They hate the smell. We can stay long and relax. Come bathe with me, you'll love it!"

With no more excuses to lie to yourself with, you give into the fact that you'd really like to soak in a hot-spring with a nearly naked Krystal. You begrudgingly, and somewhat shyly, strip down all your clothes, and place your communicator and other important devices on the ground. The entire time Krystal watches you with unashamed fascination.

"You wear so much clothing... but underneath we're not so different," she muses.

Once you step into the water and lower yourself down to sit on the flat bottom, you finally relax and give a happy groan. The temperature is perfect, and the heat seeps into your entire body, driving away weeks of hard work with waves of healing pleasure.

"This... is nice," you mumble with a grin. Then you notice Krystal still staring at you with a mysterious smile of her own.

"Do um... do you see a lot of creatures like yourself on Sauria?"

Krystal shakes her head. "Creatures of fur are very rare here, mostly scaled sharp-teeth, they rule the jungles. You're the first one I've seen in moons..." then glancing away she adds, "... and the first male I've ever gotten this close with."

That comment goes over your head as the steam and hot water distract your thoughts. "Well I'm really glad you showed yourself to me so we could work together. You've been very helpful."

Krystal shakes her head. "I haven't done much... you've given me much more. I was... scared at first, when I saw you arrive in that flying machine. But then I watched you, and you were gentle with the jungle, and kind to the animals, I wanted to trust you... get to know you."

"Well I am an ecologist," you reply cheerfully.

"And your bravery too!" she continues. "The way you fight off sharp-teeth with your strange weapons! How you come to conquer Sauria all by yourself, with no army!"

"Uh... I'm not here to conquer, just survey."

"Your masters beyond the stars must think very highly of you!" she continues.

"Bosses is a better word," you correct her again smiling at the slight language barrier. "And I doubt they think very highly of me... but some of them would like being called master haha."

"And then you extend your kindness to me... protecting me from danger, sharing stories of your home, and sharing your food and shelter too!"

"Oh right, food!" you reach around and rummage through the pockets of your clothes that sit in a pile by the hot-spring. From somewhere you extra a pair of ration bars, and toss one to Krystal on the other side of the pool. She catches it and recognizes the brown lumpy stick.

"You liked these a lot I recall," you say with a smile. "So why not have a snack while we're here. The only thing this perfect hot-spring is missing eh?"

Krystal's eyes light up and she quickly tears into hers, chomping it down in no time. The taste of your alien food must sit well with her as she makes happy noises as she chews.

"Mmmm... even more kindness. You share so much food with me... what am I to think of it?"

"It's nothing," you answer casually, but Krystal pouts.

"It's not nothing! Any food is like treasure here, don't undervalue such a gift."

"Oh... well where I come from food is plentiful; information is our treasure. And in this you've been most generous toward me. So why not trade in what we have."

Krystal nods understandingly, but then looks down a bit sadly. "Oh... I see... then we were just trading. Is... is our time together... only business?"

"Wha... no, of course not!" you stammer out. "Krystal, finding you here was the greatest treasure of all to me. Even... even if you gave me nothing in return, I'd still share my food with you, and protect you, and tell you stories about my home. Because... because I love... to see you smile."

Despite your nerves you manage to get out a half confession of affection, and it's enough to make Krystal respond warmly. Her smile returns, her cheeks blush a little, and beneath the water you can barely see her tail swishing around. She stares at you for a while with a piercing gaze and her emerald eyes soften.

"Hmm... that's good... that's very good... ok... I think I've decided. You have convinced me off-worlder, I'll do it."

"Do what?"

Krystal smiles shyly and holds her hands up to her face. "I'll mate with you."

"You'll... HUH!?"

"I'll mate with you," she repeats looking more confident now. "I've yet to choose my first, but I hope you'll treat me well."

"WHOA! Hold on! Where... where did this come from?" you stammer out as your heart begins to race.

Krystal cocks her head in confusion. "You don't understand? Doesn't courtship work the same on your world? You gave me your food and invited me into your shelter. And you saved me from danger several times. When a male does that for a female that means they want to mate them."

"Oh... it's really that simple huh?"

"Yes," she says looking happier now that you understand. "Once you accept me then we'll have lots and lots of sex, all night long!"


"That's when you'll put your..."

"I know how sex works!" you interrupt her to give yourself time to process. "I just... didn't know that was the impression I was giving you Krystal. Honestly... I didn't know you thought... I was only looking after you because I wanted to bang you!"

Once more Krystal looks a bit worried. "Was... was I wrong then? Is there another reason? Do you not want me as your mate?"

"Well... no, I mean yes, I mean..." you take a deep breath. "In my world courtship works a bit differently, so I was just surprised a moment ago. But truthfully... I do desire you Krystal. You're the most beautiful creature I've encountered in the entire galaxy. I never had much luck with women back home... so I apologize if I'm inexperienced... but if you'll have me, then I'll gladly accept you."

"You accept!" she repeats looking excited.

You nod and let out a woosh of breath, hardly believing your fortune or what you were about to do. "Yes... come to me Krystal... I want you as my mate."

With a splash of water Krystal half crawls, half glides across the pool to where you are. You receive her and do what you've been longing to do since you first met her; wrap your arms around her in a loving embrace. Her wet fur is still so soft and now slick and smooth. The curves of her body set your heart on fire as you run your hands up and down her form. Her large breasts press against your bare chest and her hips rock against your lap as you both make out, half sitting in the warm water. You set upon her face, kissing her anywhere you can reach. She starts to giggle as your face presses against hers.

"Why you smoosh your lips against me? It feels funny."

"Oh... this is called a kiss dear. I guess you don't do that much here. In my world it's an act of love and affection."

Krystal shook her head. "I learned about sex watching sharp-teeth do it, and they never do kissing."

"Ah, well that's why our sex is better than theirs, because we can love each other with more passion and creativity."

Krystal reaches down into the water and grabs your rock hard member in her hands. Grinning at you she begins to stroke it. "Is that why you haven't put this in me yet? We're being... creative, first?"

"Y... yeah... something like that," you grunt. "No need to rush it dear. We have all night you said."

"Yes, all night," she agrees. Then Krystal lifts herself off you and gets up on her knees. Now she's slightly looming over you and straddling your sitting form. She reaches back and removes the last soggy piece of clothing from her voluptuous figure: her bra is removed and tossed aside. Now Krystal is fully naked and her body inches from your face.

"I don't know much about this either... but when you speak of love and passion, it makes me excited. Please do whatever you desire, touch me wherever you like. Right now I belong to you... show me what kind of mating your people enjoy."

At her generous bidding, you abandon all self-control. You grab her hips and pull her close against you, nuzzling your face into her chest, and losing yourself in her boobs. With one hand you reach around and grab her butt and grope it extensively! Krystal gives little yips and whines of arousal as you give her body a thorough treatment like she's never had before.

Then you rise up to your knees, now at her height. You kiss her hungrily on the muzzle, groping one of her breasts with one hand, and stroking her backside with the other. Before you know it her arms are around your neck, and her belly is pressing against yours. You can feel your stiff erection being sandwiched between the two of you.

"This is wonderful," she gasps in-between kisses. "Making me feel... even more hot and excited! Oh... I'm aching down there... can't you put it in yet?"

You stare into her green eyes and nod breathlessly. "Yeah... that's enough foreplay..."

A loud beeping sound breaks the silent night air and scares you both with a jolt! You spin around expecting something, anything, but then the fear passes and you realize what it is. Your communicator blares with flashing lights on the ground where you left it; the obvious signal of an incoming message from HQ.

You swear a plethora of curses and pull away from Krystal, leaving her standing alone in the pool confused and disappointed. You check the screen of the device and confirm that it's a call from your bosses. You stare at the little device unmoving and with intense loathing. How could they call you at a time like this!

"Is that... your masters?" asks Krystal timidly. "Do they summon you back? Are they going to... take you away from me?"

"Maybe," you answer slowly. Then with a grunt you press a button on the device and the beeping stops. You toss it aside and turn back to Krystal. "But I won't find out tonight... I don't care what they have to say."

Krystal's eyes grow wide. "Oh, but you mustn't! If you refuse their summon... won't they be angry? I don't want you to get in trouble... for me."

You reach down into the pool and take Krystal's hand, leading her out of the water with you. "Don't worry sweetie, they'll just think I was too busy to answer. Maybe being attacked by a dinosaur or something... if I ignore them for too long they'll assume I died. But either way, I doubt they'll interrupt us again."

Krystal reaches up and strokes your face with her hand. "You'd give up your duties for me?"

"I would," you agree clutching her hand in yours. "Because my masters are a million miles away beyond the stars... and you're right here in my arms."

Another kiss on her lips puts her at ease. She smiles and presses her face against your chest. "Ahh... I found such a good mate... I'm so happy... and still so excited. Let's continue precious!"

"Or we could finish back at my camp, er, shelter," you offer now that your thoughts were momentarily clear. "It's safe there, and we can do it inside instead of outside. Plus I have soft bedding, better than a rocky ground."

Krystal surprises you by giving a playful growl and grabbing your arm firmly. "No! I cannot wait anymore! I need it soon or I'll go crazy! The stars and moon will be our roof... and as for soft bedding..."

Krystal leaves your side for just a moment and dashes over to the edge of the hot-spring where several large leafy plants were growing. With feral strength and energy she tears at the plants, removing many large rubbery leaves and tossing them on the ground. Right before your eyes the primitive blue fox constructs a makeshift bed out of soft vegetation.

"This will do, yes?"

You chuckle. "Sure thing sweetie... how can I refuse such enthusiasm."

The next moment Krystal is lying on her back with her legs spread apart. Her mouth hangs open and her tongue bobs in and out, panting with pent up desire. "No more wait," she pleads.

"No more wait," you agree lowering yourself down to her.

"I've waited so long," she whines. "Alone for so long... wanting a mate..."

"And now you have one," you whisper into her ear.

You line up your shaft and glide into her. Krystal's yowl splits the night and would have worried you about predators hearing had she not assured you that this spot was safe.

"How do you feel sweetie?" you ask barely keeping your mind focused. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No hurt," she gasps out. "Sooo... good... I feel... full!"

With a quick kiss on her nose, you start to move. Thrusting into her and letting her body carry more and more of your weight. The smooth leafy bedding shifts easily and rocks with your movements, and Krystal's small body is surprisingly strong and sturdy, and she takes your weight without complaint. In fact when you try to lift yourself up she grabs you and forces you down closer. Her legs lock behind your back and her nails claw at your shoulder blades. Her hot breath is on your face and her emerald eyes are dewy and moist.

"Heh... heh... my mate... I never knew... breeding was so good!... Deeper! Touch my insides deeper!"

"I can't hold out any longer," you moan. Then finally you press your hips against her as hard as you can and release. Krystal and your cries scare birds nesting in nearby trees as you fill her up to the brim!

As the afterglow fades, you both lie in the leafy bedding catching your breath. Krystal licks your face affectionately and refuses to remove her arms from around your neck. Her thighs rub back and forth against yours, and you can feel your own fresh fluids leaking out against your leg.

"Thank you Krystal," you whisper to your lovely fox. "Thank you for an amazing first time."

"You give me same gift," she says with a smile. "First time was great... but second time can be better, yes?"

You chuckle. "I'll certainly try my best. Just need a minute to recharge and I'm ready for round two."

Krystal gives you a surprise kiss on the cheek. "Good, because I really love mating you... and I... I really love you precious. You can breed me many times... as often as you like... every night!"

"Ho boy, I'd better become as strong as a sharp-tooth if I wanna keep up with your libido!"

"Oh yes, let's do it like sharp-teeth do it," Krystal suggests her eyes lighting up with renewed excitement. "I can crawl on the ground and you grab my butt from behind and..."

Another sudden beep cuts you both off. Your communicator flashes red only for a moment before going silent again. Probably another message.

Krystal looks at the device sadly. "You... you will stay with me... yes? Or will you have to go? I was hoping to be your mate forever... not just tonight."

You kiss Krystal on the cheek and hug her tightly. "I'll stay as long as you want me to sweetie. Even if I have to fake my own death and lie to my bosses. There's nothing my old life can offer me anymore than compares to your love. I'm your mate for life Krystal."

She smiles the happiest smile you've ever seen and a single tear rolls down her cheek. "Such a brave mate I have... I feel like the luckiest creature on Sauria! I love you so much."

It was only a matter of time until I made a proper pinup for the legendary Krystal, and here she is. Safe version.

The queen of Sauria strips down to share a dip in the hot-springs with you. She's been all alone on this jungle planet, and she's aching for a mate who will love her and treat her right.

Check out my artist pages. Thanks!

Hope you all enjoy.

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