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"Commission for Skatelian
The last of three illustrations for his story. Read it here: "


Hello hello!!!! This is again one of the very rare commissions I take. It was commissioned by Winter_S and I found the idea very very appealing and with lots of potential. I even got my great friend and favorite artist Devoid-Kiss to illustrate it out of my pocket, WITHOUT telling the commissioner. I can't wait to see how he reacts :P Please comment, fave, watch and all the other fun stuff. I really enjoy it when you do that kind of stuff, keeps me writing. ENJOY!!!! Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction, intended for an adult audience. I do not condone or encourage this kind of behavior in real life.

It seemed like a peaceful morning. Nothing seemed amiss in the small apartment during that Saturday afternoon. It was usually like this until two, the time around which mother would return from work, usually with pizza. But that day, one of the Cubs woke up prior to smelling the cheesy goodness.
The little vixen stretched in her bed. Covers were all tossed up in a pile, despite it being late autumn. Covered only in her panties, the fifteen year old Cub was used to sleeping mostly naked since she now had a room of her own. And save for the rare occasions when her annoying brother barged in, she was mostly in private. She still used to have at least a baggy shirt over her, yet that same shirt was now tossed on a corner. Vague memories of being half awake, half asleep were still titillating in her brain, and her first thought was that her brother, in one of those cold hissy fits he usually had, had cranked up the thermostat to an outrageous temperature.
"I'm gonna kill that little..." She said, but in her sleepiness all that could be heard was a mumbled babble of broken syllables and misplaced vowels. Soon, that thought faded. Her bed felt cold. Very very cold, actually. She got up, shaking the sleepiness out of her head and stretching yet again. For some reason, she felt the utter need to lazily stretch out a lot. A little quick yawn and a check at the thermostat told her that her initial guess was wrong. It was set for a chilly 60 degrees. And yet she still felt annoyingly hot. Her brain tried to ponder about this for a minute, trying in vain to process why on earth she would be feeling like this. However, she was quickly distracted by something else. A tingle, in her girly parts. She quickly assumed the obvious, and headed to the bathroom. A quick check at the clock told her that her brother would still be snoring like a sloth, so she didn't exactly bother with putting on a shirt. It was too hot for it anyways.
Her padded feet made almost no sound on the hardwood floor as she walked to the bathroom. As she got in and closed the door, she gave herself the luxury of looking into the mirror. A cute little vixen girl peered back from the other side, with slightly budding breasts and girlish measurements. She smiled and went to the toilet, pulling down her panties only to reveal a mess. They were soaked, completely drenched in a sticky clear fluid that seemed to be dripping slowly from down there. That... Was weird. Very weird. She sat on the toilet, and pondered about this turn of events while she took care of business. Even her pee seemed to smell all strong and musky. Gross, she thought. She cleaned herself up, not holding back on the toilet paper, and grabbed the panties in her paws. It didn't seem like pee, at least not to her. Still, she couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed by it. She obviously had to do something about it, hopefully before mom came home. She then remembered that there was a load of dirty laundry by the washing machine that mom was supposed to do that day. She'd just sneak into the washing room, toss her panties with the rest, then put them back on as soon as they were done. None would notice, and she'd even get praise from her mother for helping out with laundry.
"Genius" she muttered out loud for herself. She grabbed her panties, peeked outside to make sure the coast was clear, and tiptoed quickly into the washing room. She quickly tossed her panties into the bin, then put the whole thing's contents into the washing machine. Anyone standing on the doorway would have had a gorgeous view of that lithe little body as she stretched up to grab the detergent, the girl failing to notice her tail was hiked up and her vaginal folds were swollen and puffy. Once everything was set, she started the machine and watched gleefully as the tumbler began to spin, erasing any evidence that her panties had been dirty in the first place. She looked at the clothes tumble around for a couple minutes, then went to the corner of the room to stand under the air vent. She basked in feeling the cool air bathe her fur, taking away that incessantly uncomfortable hot feeling. But it wasn't enough. Then, the bright white washing machine caught her eye. The metal on top was cold... Icy cold.
With a childish squeal she jumped into the machine, which was just as cold as she had fantasized. It was soaking the clothing, so it was mostly still. Susan sighed softly as she felt the icy cold metal relax that horrible burning feeling, especially now that it was in direct contact with her girly spots. Still nothing felt amiss to her, not recognizing the early signs of her jump into adulthood. Then, without a warning, the machine began to spin the clothes. It was a slightly older piece of equipment, so it tumbled and rolled rather violently, making the entire frame vibrate.
"Eeee!!!" She made at first, her squeak of surprise unheard through the house. She felt... Something. Something so deep and guttural she really couldn't explain it. Her whole body shook, and not only because of the shaking of the appliance underneath. It was vibrating... Against her... Her... And now she couldn't help but moan. It was a shy little one, mostly out of instinct. Her mind had absolutely no idea it was supposed to interpret the sudden rush of endorphins as pleasure, and made her freeze in her position. It felt weird, so a part of her wanted to get off the machine. But somehow, her will faltered and she wasn't able to move her body. At least not in the right direction though. Her squirming and thrashes pressed her cunny harder against the oversized vibrator, and her arms on autopilot made sure she stayed firm against it. She could feel how her engorged folds went slightly numb, and barely felt the wetness that was extending in a puddle around her vulva. All she could feel was the vibration. Rhythmic, steady, completely exhilarating. Her stomach all but did a somersault, her hair standing on edge and her eyes closing as she clenched her fists around the edge of the machine.
Something was building up, something powerful and all-encompassing. She felt adrift in the white water rapids of pleasure, aware of the increasingly loud rumbling of a waterfall she was headed to, even if her pre-nubile mind had no idea of what it would entail. Her nipples looked stiff and red in the cold afternoon, and her teeth were close to puncturing the flesh in her lower lip. Something had taken control of her, something she simply couldn't explain or get around to understand. She wanted... She needed to know what would happen once she reached that peak. And in her confused desire, she failed to hear the jingling of the keys against the metal doorknob on the main door. She had her eyes closed, so she didn't pick up on her mom's shadow in front of the open frame of the laundry room. Katherine was already preoccupied with the weight of the groceries she was carrying, and was most certainly not expecting to find her little vixen cub in such a compromising situation. She pretended not to see it, and decided to keep walking when something in her mind clicked.
"Oh no..." She said softly. That smell... It was unmistakeable. Her girl was in heat... And riding a washing machine to try and get rid of it. The woman immediately turned around and stood in the entrance to the washing room. The girl didn't notice her at all. That is, until...

post #629257

"Susan!" She said firmly as she dropped her bags and grabbed her lithe frame by the armpits. She was stronger than she seemed, years of carrying her cubs around making her the perfect lifter. However, the little girl wasn't having any of it. In her daze, she thrashed and kicked and even tried to bite her own mom. She had been so close, so frustratingly close she didn't know what to do with herself. Her primal brain took over and reacted negatively towards whatever was removing her from her source of pleasure. Luckily, her mom managed to get control over her without any of them getting harmed.
"Susan, calm down!" She called out to her. The girl seemed to snap out of it, folding her ears down shyly and looking away. Somewhere, deep inside, she knew she had done something wrong. She was still trembling and now felt slightly cold, but the warmth of her mother's embrace kind of calmed her.
"Is everything alright?" A young male voice asked behind them. The older vixen turned around to find little Jacob standing by the doorframe, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The young fox's blue PJs were wrinkled and unkempt, testament to his constant turning in his sleep.
"Jacob, go to my room" the mother said softly as she held the girl close, who had now buried her head into her bosom in shame.
"Why is she nak..." He began.
"I said go to my room. Now" she said firmly this time, looking at the boy.
"B-Buh-but I haven't done anything!" He complained.
"Do I have to repeat myself, young man?" The vixen said with a motherly glare. The cub pouted, and with the rebellious spirit that characterizes fourteen year olds he walked to the master bedroom.
"A-are we in trouble? D-did I do something bad?" A shy little voice came from her chest, the vixen looking up with watery eyes. The mother's heart skipped a beat, and she gently brushed the little girl's hair.
"No honey... I was the one who messed up this time" she said softly as she kissed her forehead.

The three looked at each other silently. Susie, now at least wearing a gown, had her eyes fixated on the floor. Jacob was pouting and had his arms crossed, evidently not happy with being the subject of a disciplinary measure because of his sister.
"Kids, I have to tell you something" the mother began softly. Both looked at her solemnly.
"Susie... What you're going through is called a heat. Well, technically it's called an estrous cycle, but heat is a better way of describing it" she continued.
"Moooooom, what do I have to do with this?" Jacob complained with a whine.
"Be patient. I need you two to listen to me for a while, alright?" She said firmly. Jacob seemed to frown, then nodded. Susie just looked expectantly.
"Sue... You're growing up. And part of growing up means learning about the birds and the bees... I didn't want you to learn this at school, it usually doesn't work out so well... They'll just make you feel embarrassed about it. This happened to my best friend and it ended up with her getting pregnant after a party. Which is why I don't want you to go through that. Both of you" she said.
"I can get pregnant?" Jacob asked. The mother chuckled a little and ruffled his hair, much to his displeasure.
"No, but you can get a girl pregnant. And that isn't a good thing until you're older. Like me" she told her son before turning to Susan.
"What some parents do is to show their kids what sex is before they have to find out for themselves. That's what I wanted to do... I just messed the timing up a little. I should've known you took after me, starting your heats early. Does your left ear itch a little?" She asked the girl.
"Y-yeah, how'd you know??" The little girl asked adorably, scratching it.
"That's how it used to go with me. Until I stopped that is. You'll also get a little tingle on your toes on the second day" she said with a hint of motherly pride in her voice.
"Second day? How long will this... This thing, whatever..." She began to ask.
"If you do nothing about it, two or three days every month." Came the response.
"If I do nothing about it? W-what does that mean?" She asked innocently.
"There's a rather easy way to make it go away. But first you need to know why" she said as she pulled her closer and hugged her in a motherly fashion, easing off the tension. By now, both Cubs felt much more relaxed, as the idea that they might be in trouble became even more and more remote.
"When a boy and a girl love each other... They kiss, right? Well, they sometimes do more than kissing. Sometimes, if they really like each other and are old enough, they mate. And a boy puts his... Hmm, I think I'm approaching this the wrong way" the mother said. She then looked at Jacob. "Could you maybe pull your pants down for a minute?" She asked.
"No! Why would I?" He replied. A slight glare from his mother quickly defused his defiant attitude. With a little grumble he got up and dropped his PJ pants, exposing his sheath.
"Good. Come sit by me" she said softly, looking at the way Susie was hungrily eyeing the male's crotch.
"In this sheath, boys have a penis. Jacob knows about it, but you probably haven't seen it fully" she told Susie while she very gently massaged the sheath. The young fox shivered a little at the touch. It felt awkward and weird but... He didn't really want her to stop. He was still too young to know just how forbidden this was.
"See? It's peeking out. It can grow rather large" she said as she stroked the part that peeked out, causing the boy to grow harder and harder. She didn't really know how big her son's cock was, she hadn't seen it hard before, at least not recently. And the fact that she had chosen a sperm donor meant she wouldn't really have an idea based on the father.
"Whoa..." Susie said. Her mother immediately recognized that tone. It was a needy, lusty and hungry tone. She was just like she herself had been when she was young.
"Yep. That's the true penis. Now, when a boy and a girl mate, this..." She said, pointing at the boy's shaft. "... Goes inside this" she said, pointing at the girl's groin.
"W-wait, she doesn't have one of these?" The boy asked, pulling a giggle out of the mother.
"No, this is what makes you a boy. She has something different, that makes her a female. Honey, can you hike your shirt up?" She asked Susie. She didn't seem nearly as contentious with the idea, and rather quickly got her shirt up to expose herself.
"And spread your legs a bit hun" the mother added. Susan complied, exposing her nubile flower to the cold room.
"Is she sick? She looks all swollen and..." Jacob began, looking at the girl's cunny. It did look pretty red and puffy. The mother only chuckled slightly. It was impossible for her not to feel proud of the cub's sagacity.
"All in due time. This is called a vagina. There's also a bunch of other names for it, but that doesn't matter for now. If you can see here..." She said, gently poking near the girl's opening, which made her hiss and squirm, but towards the finger instead of away from it.
"Sorry hun... I know you're sensitive. It'll be better soon, I promise" she said softly as she showed Jacob. "There's a hole in here. Not the one she pees from though, that's a different hole. When people mate, this is where the male's penis goes into, and when a girl is pregnant, this is where the baby comes out of" she explained the male.
"That sounds gross..." The male said, but didn't seem to have much emphasis on his words. And the mother didn't blame him. Susan's scent was thick as oil in the air, making her feel dizzy even though she was no longer of reproductive age. She could only imagine the kind of confusion it would be working on the male's brain.
"It actually feels really really good. Which is what I'm going at. The only way for Susan's heat to go away is... Well, it's for a boy to mate her." She said.
"So... You... You want me to..." Jacob began, stuttering.
"Only if you two agree to it, I can't make you do it. If you don't, Susie will just have to deal with this feeling for the next two days" she said as she softly rubbed Susie's thigh in motherly affection.
"But, but won't she get pregnant?" Jacob asked, again demonstrating why he was at the top of his class.
"Not if you two wear this." She said, pulling a condom out of her purse. "It's a little... Rubber glove for your penis. It's called a condom. If you put it on and use it properly, she won't get pregnant but the heat will still go away" she said softly. "This is a big decision, and I would've liked for you to choose while Susie wasn't in heat, but I didn't think it..."
"I want to do it..." Susan said softly.
"Huh? What was that, Susie?" She asked her daughter.
"Please? Bro, it just feels horrible, I can't deal with two more hours, let alone two more days..." She said as she squirmed about. "Please?" She begged. Her mother turned her expectant eyes to the boy. She could tell the dilemma he was in was a tough one. Should he help his sister out? Or succumb to the ickiness of the situation?
"I... Will it hurt?" He asked.
"Not for you... It... Might hurt a tiny bit for you, Susie. Girls are born with a little barrier called the hymen... It blocks off the hole I was talking about, and for you two to mate... It's gotta be broken"
"I don't care, I... I can't deal with this anymore. Please?" She begged.
Jacob looked at her, then at his mom. Then back at Susan one last time before sighing and nodding cautiously.
"Okay... I think that first we should take care of the barrier. Usually it's the boy's penis that breaks this, but just to be safe I'll do it for you. Lie down for me, will ya hun?" She told her daughter as she pet her sides gently. The girl, obedient and trusting, did exactly what was asked of her and laid on her back with her legs spread lewdly, petite flower glistening with arousal and need for everyone to see.
"Jacob, hold your sister's hand... This will hurt a little, but I promise it won't last, okay hun?" Katherine told her, rubbing her belly in gentle rubs to calm down the vixen cub. Her paw slowly went south, rubbing over the girl's folds ever so gently and making her hiss and moan slightly, hips pushing up to her fingers instinctively. Without teasing her too much, she took a couple fingers and pressed them on Susan's tunnel, pressing slightly. Sue hissed more and tried to dig them into herself, but the mother expertly avoided hurting her. Her other paw held down the girl by her pelvis, looking at her with an apologetic look.
"Ready? Deep breath" she told her, and as soon as she saw the girl inhale, she pressed hard on her fingertips, shearing through the soft tissue that covered her daughter's vaginal tunnel.
"Ooooowiiiiieeee!" Susan made as she felt pain. It wasn't the worst in her life, but the location made it really uncomfortable for her. She thrashed a little and squirmed, but she was being held down by a strong mother. Katherine's fingers stayed inside, not moving further in but not pulling back either, giving her cub's panicked groin muscles something to squeeze against. And squeeze she did, the girl almost cutting blood flow off her mother's fingers as she clamped against the intruders.
"Easy, easy... Deep breaths, it'll be over quick..." Katherine said, her stomach in a knot. Nothing ever felt worse for a parent than to cause their kids pain, and this particular vixen was the kind that would feel bad even when they had to get vaccines, and always indulged them in ice cream afterwards just to calm down her guilt.
"Mom, she's bleeding" Jacob said softly and shyly. He seemed rather scared too.
"I know hun, it's normal to bleed a little. Luckily your sis will never have to go through this again" she said softly as she brushed the girl hair. "How are you feeling?" She asked.
"B-b-better" she replied with little sniffles. The mother happily sighed, clearing her tears away with loving brushes before pulling her fingers out of her. She hadn't told Sue, but she expected it to be painful. Her own had been the same, after all.
"Told you it wouldn't last long" she told the little girl with a motherly smile before cleaning the slight spots of virginal blood from her fingertips. At least she hadn't bled too much.
"I dun wanna do it anymore..." Jacob said, prompting a glare from the younger vixen and a confused mother.
"It's... It's okay hun... Like I said, I can't make you do it..." She began.
"Mooooooom he said he would!" Susan complained.
"I know sweetie... Hmm, what to do..." Katherine pondered before looking at the male. It was simple, all she had to do was show him how good it felt.
"Jacob? Remember when I told you that aunt Sally's chicken tasted good but you didn't wanna try it?" She asked the boy.
"Y-yeah. I mean, it kinda did taste good..." He said, unsure of where this was going.
"Kinda good? You ate three servings of it!" Sue interjected, causing the boy to glare at her.
"Well, this is kind of similar. Give me five minutes to show you something, and if you don't want to do it after those five minutes I won't make you do it" the mother promised, grabbing him by the belly and pulling him into her lap like a cuddly mom.
"B-but..." He began.
"When have I ever lied to you?" She asked. That prompted the boy to look down and mumble "never" softly, to which his mom hugged him up closer.
"Exactly. Just relax for a little, I'm going to show you something awesome" she said as her paw rubbed the young boy's belly softly.
"Mooooom, I'm too big for a belly rub..." He said in a slightly exasperated voice. His twitchy leg gave him away, however.
"Maybe. But you're just big enough for what I'm gonna do next" she said as her paw went down and began to stroke the young male's sheath. She felt him tense up and gasp slightly, and made sure to be as gentle and slow as possible. Jacob's sheath slowly swelled up in arousal, pink flesh protruding out and right into the incestuous paws of his loving mother. Katherine turned her soft touches to the exposed pink flesh, pulling a little gasp and the innocent precursor of a moan out of her youngling, the member filling up her paw quite nicely. As wrong as it felt, she couldn't help but smile in pride at her son's endowment. The gentle rubs soon turned to strokes, firm but also careful, causing the boy to bend over a little and moan shyly as his mother gave him a reach-around.
"Hmmm... That's it, just relax and let it happen... Told you it felt good" she said in her patent motherly tone, squeezing that deliciously smooth shaft with her fingers as she pawed the boy. Even though she couldn't really see what Sue was doing, but even over the naughty fapping sound she could clearly hear the young vixen's heavy breathing. And she wasn't the only girl getting aroused. Katherine herself could feel a slight faint feeling, and the incessant thought of straddling the boy and taking his virginity clouded her mind a little. Her paw moved faster now, on a blurry pace that pretty much guaranteed a fast outcome from the inexperienced boy.
"M-mom? I gotta go to the b-bathroom..." The male whined, oblivious to the whole concept of orgasming. Katherine could tell anyways, judging by the throbs and twitches that his cock was giving. Then, without a warning, she stopped.
"Moooooooom" Jacob whined. He didn't know what was going to happen if she kept going, but he hadn't wanted her to stop at all.
"I Uh... Sorry Jacob, I don't want to risk it" she said softly.
"R-risk it?" He asked. Both Cubs looked at her curiously.
"I... I've heard rumors... About a girl who had her father do the same thing to her that I'm doing to you two. He loved his daughter a lot, but after he had sex with her... He was the only male who could make her happy as a mate. And I don't want that to happen to the two of you" she said in a protective fashion, brushing the male's hair.
"Now, your five minutes are done. Did I convince you?" She asked, lifting the gloomy mood immediately.
"I-I-I guess so..." Jacob said shyly, blushing.
"Goodie. Doing it inside a girl is much more fun, trust me." She said with a wink before turning to her little girl. "Ready hun?" She asked. Susan nodded groggily, and her mom noticed the dark wet puddle around her cunny.
"One last little thing... Here" she said, opening up the wrapper on the condom and expertly covering the young fox cub's shaft in latex, leaving it snug and tight.
"I'll talk about these later, and teach you how to use them. For now, I think your sister would appreciate it if we moved quicker. Sue? Can you pretend you're a little doggy and get yourself on all fours, facing me?" She asked of her daughter softly. She quickly did as much, not understanding but completely trusting in her mother's instinct.
"Good... Just rest up your head here. You'll feel much better soon, I promise. Jacob, go behind your sister and kneel" she told the boy. He didn't comply as fast as his bigger sister, but certainly didn't delay. He was blue-balled, after all, even if he didn't know it.
"There... Now carefully, and I mean CAREFULLY..." She began to tell him, petting the girl's hair. "Put your thing inside her cunny. Just where I put my fingers in earlier. Be sure not to put it in her butthole though" she said, causing the boy to look at her annoyed.
"Moooom don't be so icky" he told her.
"In a couple years you'll change your mind, young man. For now, just do as I say. And be gentle, Sue here isn't a toy..." She told the boy. She couldn't see what he was doing, but at one point she felt sue's grip on the sheets get firm, and the underaged girl opened her eyes and mouth in a silent gasp of feral relief, her innocence taken away by her little bro.
"O-o-oh..." The mother heard the little boy say. Her little girl still wasn't breathing, mind racing as her body just went haywire on her, her lithe body finally getting its much desire taste of what it felt to be penetrated... Taken...
"Stay still Jacob... It's her first time, let her get used to it so it won't hurt..." She said. She also wanted the boy to calm down. Being so pent up and young, he wouldn't last long, that part was already known. But she wanted him to at least soothe the burning inside the young girl's loins. Sue pawed at the bedsheets,trying to grab so she could push back against her brother's fulfilling package. It felt like he was stretching her to the very limit of her anatomical ability, the poor little thing getting her brother balls deep inside.
"I-I.... I..." Sue tried to say, but she couldn't form anything resembling a coherent sentence. Back there, Jacob was panting slowly and wagging his tail a little. It felt quite awesome, truly exhilarating and so naughty... He could feel little Sue's squeezes and throbs, sheepishly panting and holding back his desire to just take her like instinct demanded. He couldn't. Not if it would hurt her.
"Shhhh.... Just enjoy it sweetie, focus on it and let it happen..." She told the girl before turning her attention to the male. "Go ahead and pull out slowly, until you're about two thirds of a way out... Then gently push it back inside as much as you can" she told him. The boy was the perfect size, and if her daughter was anything like herself she would be flexible enough that nothing Jacob did could hurt her badly. Besides, she seemed to agree, a high pitched shuddering moan escaping her lips just as a cute little grunt escaped his.
"There... Now keep doing that... And don't stop." Her mother said. Soon, the master bed creaked rhythmically under the two mating cubs and the enabling mother, a heart melting array of cute little moans coming from the incestuous couple. The mother could only watch, loving how they looked and seemed to enjoy themselves. Her own sex itched a little, her panties sticking to her bare flesh as she urged her neediness away. This day was their day. All of a sudden, she felt little Susan grip hard and yelp a little, and Jacob pressing hard against her.

post #629259

"Don't tug on the knot, just push" she told the boy.
"B-b-but I gotta peeeee" he replied.
"No you don't, it's not what you think. Just let it happen, it's not pee. It's okay" she urged the boy, gently and lovingly stroking her daughter's hair. She heard him grunt cutely and little Susan gasp ever so slightly, and a motherly smile came over her as she noticed that her little Cubs were cumming. Or at least the boy, with Sue it would be harder to tell. Spurt after strong spurt of thick, creamy and potent sperm filled the latex reservoir, pressing a little warm bubble against the cervix of the girl.
"Nyaaaa..." Susan made cutely as she felt filled like that, but it wouldn't be nearly as pleasurable as if he was actually doing it in the bare. The adorable little vixen had not climaxed, but you wouldn't really tell. Not with that massive mischievous grin on her lips.
"Mm.... There, see? Told you it would feel better" she said. The boy panted softly, cheeks flush as he looked away slightly shyly.
"Y-yeah... Now I'm stuck though" the male complained, tugging a little on their joining to pull himself free, but he couldn't and only got a wince from Susan in reply.
"N-no no don't tug. Your knot, the thick part... It swells so that your cum doesn't leak out. Why don't you lean down, might as well cuddle while you're at it" the mother said, gently helping both Cubs onto their side, still joined. The cute little vixen cub pressed her under aged tush back against him, and he could feel little rhythmic squeezes of her fleshy cunny around him, and the naughty but somehow not so icky heat of her tail hole pressed firmly against the soft fur of his pelvis, exposed as the tail that covered it was hiked up high and waving around on the boy's chest.
Jacob wasn't much of a cuddler. Or not that he'd admit to it anyways. But the way his big sister looked at him though, he could only lean down and wrap his soft fluffy paws around her tummy and cuddled up. It was something he hadn't done in a very long time. She'd always cuddle, at least she used to. When they were younger and all alone because mom was away, he could always count on her to cuddle him. And even though Katherine tried harder than most to be with her cubs as much as possible, the only one who was ever there for him unconditionally was this girl now knotted firmly around his shaft.
"You two are adorable. How are you feeling Hun? Gone yet?" She asked softly as she looked at Susan. Something, however, told the vixen that this wasn't over. If she was indeed anything like her...
"I think so" the cub said with a smile, still breathing a bit heavily and murring happily against her brother's cuddles, grabbing his paws with her own as she pressed her back to him, turning them into a little spooning couple. The mother looked happy, but she still kept her guard up. And as usual, her motherly instinct turned out to be correct. She watched as the girl almost innocently grabbed her brother's paw and began to guide it to her budding breasts, and out of pure instinct began to coax him into massaging them.
"M-mom?" Jacob asked cutely.
"It's okay Jacob, it's not like you're gonna get cooties. Your sister is very much like me... Apparently, we'll need something else. Do whatever she tells you to do, her instinct knows exactly what she wants. I have to make a call" she told the Cubs, and got up. She left the room just as an increasingly horny Susan began to guide her little brother's paws to her clit.

"Doctor Lindbergh's office, how can I help you?" A soft feminine voice came from the other side of the telephone.
"Yeah, is the doctor in? I need a quick phone consultation" Katherine said as she sat down on the couch, twirling the phone cord on her paws.
"Certainly... He's with a patient right now, so I... Hang on a second please... He's free, I'll patch you through. Have a good day!" Came the reply, and Katherine barely had any time to say thanks before she was greeted by a short fragment of classical music. Seconds later, a male voice came through.
"Dr. Lindbergh here"
"James..." Katherine said. It didn't sound like he was greeting a doctor, but an old friend.
"Katherine, what a pleasant surprise. How are the kids?" He asked.
"Good, growing nice and healthy" the vixen replied with pride on her voice.
"Good, good... I don't think your pelvic is due for another couple months... And I don't think you're planning another date with the turkey baster" James joked, an inside joke referring to Katherine's in vitro fertilization.
"Heh. I'm too old to have more kids... No, I uh... I'm calling about Susan actually." She said.
"Huh... I don't have her first heat scheduled up until early next year... But I'm assuming my calculations are wrong. When?" He asked.
"Today. Poor little thing had no idea what was going on..." She said with a sigh.
"I see. Well, it's not a problem, I'll just pencil you into Monday afternoon to do her first pelvic and talk to her about this" James said as he typed something into the computer.
"Thank you, sounds great... But that isn't what I'm worried about. You see, I never got to talk to her about condoms and... She was with a boy while I was gone. I... I think they might've had unprotected sex, but she won't tell me" Katherine said, pretending to sound scared. She didn't need the gynecologist to know about her little secret.
"Oh no... Well... She's too young for morning after pills, and they'd make her heat worse anyways. But... I do have another option. I can put an IUD on her" he said.
"IUD?" She asked, feigning she didn't know what he was talking about.
"Intra-uterine device. It's a little T-shaped device that goes past your daughter's cervix. She's old enough for one, and she'll be protected without the need for birth control pills."
"I see... But what about...?" She said, following along on her ruse.
"Here's the kicker. It serves as emergency contraception for up to three days before insertion. I'll talk to my assistant to have you come in tomorrow, and get everything ready. Sounds fair?" He said. One could tell by the tone on his voice that he was passionate and proud about his work.
"You would? Oh thank you doctor, that would be marvelous. I just don't want to run any risks with my little Sue" Katherine said as she let out a happy sigh of relief.
"Sure thing... I don't want to meddle but... Do you know if it was forced on her? If she doesn't want to talk about it, it might indicate that..." James asked.
"Oh no no... I'm sure she was the one who started it... You know, two young Cubs in a small room, and if she's like me I'm sure she'll be quite blunt and forward during her heats... But thank you for your concern" she said softly.
"Just looking after my patients. I have to go now, I'll tell my assistant to email you the exact time for tomorrow's appointment. Have a nice day Katherine." The doctor said in a soft tone.
"Will do... Thank you for the advice James. I'll see you tomorrow" the vixen said before hanging up. She sighed softly, taking one second for herself, before walking back towards the main bedroom. She opened the door to find her cubs in the same position she left them in, but not exactly cuddling.
"Moooom, she won't stop" Jacob half complained. His paw was around the girl's waist and between her legs, rubbing furiously at her clit under the vixen's guidance.
"J-just a little more, please..." She whined, grinding against the male. The mother sighed softly and went towards her.
"Sue... I need you to take a deep breath for me now, okay? I'm gonna make it go away, but I need you to stop" she said firmly but in a caring tone. The girl, whose submissiveness was exacerbated greatly by her heat, let go of the boy's paw. Jacob pulled it back quickly and stretched it with a hiss. It was probably cramping horribly, she'd been on the phone for a good ten minutes' time.
"Good... Now let's pull this off..." She said, pushing on the boy's hip. His cock, now mostly deflated, slid out of the little vixen's vaginal tunnel with a wet noise, causing her to whimper and shiver like she was freezing.
"It's ok... Lemme get rid of this..." She said as she took the condom off the boy's shaft, making sure he saw how to do it himself, and tied a knot on the end to keep the plentiful baby juice from spilling. Once that was in the trash, Katherine looked at the pair. Susan was shivering, her little body needing relief at a scale she didn't think possible. Jacob was panting softly, but his cock was growing back to a full erection, influenced by the girl's pheromones.
"Kids, I need to talk to you... Remember when I said you always had to use condoms? Well... We're gonna have to break that rule. You two know how to do it now, so I'll... Give you some privacy. Jacob, be sure to stay inside her when you cum..." She said, rubbing their bellies softly.
"C-cum?" Jacob asked. Katherine sighed, she had forgotten how innocent they were.
"Remember when it felt like you wanted to pee? Really really good? And the white stuff in the condom came out? That's cumming... And that's what's going to make your sister feel better. You need to stay inside her vagina when you spurt..." She said, making sure the boy understood. She gave both a little kiss on the forehead, before leaving the room. She felt a mix of emotions she couldn't explain... Arousal and pride, but also some jealousy towards the Cubs' future. They'd be by each other's side forever, never alone... The vixen mulled over these thoughts as she closed the door, but left a little crack open. Just because she wanted them to have privacy didn't mean she wasn't going to enjoy the show.
Back inside the room, Susan was squirming on the bed. Neither of the Cubs had taken initiative towards it yet, and she felt the need grow in her loins.
"So uh... I... Should we do it like mom just..." Jacob began, trying to get the ball rolling. She looked at her younger brother with a mix of lust and love, and shook her head as she pulled him in over her. Spreading her legs lewdly as instinct demanded, she moaned cutely as his soft belly fur slid against her swollen cunny. She kept pulling at him until their noses were at the same level, the boy's shaft now pressed lengthwise to her sex.
"I-I wanna do it like this..." She said softly, causing them both to blush. It wasn't Susan's fault to want intimacy, she had feelings for her brother. Feelings that this heat and their recent interactions were making more evident.
"O-okay... Should I...?" Jacob said. He wanted his big sister to tell him what to do, just like she always did. She was always looking out for him, helping him and telling him how to do things... Making him feel safe.
"Y-yes... Here, let me..." She said as she snuck a paw down, hissing a little as she felt her swollen flower. Grabbing the cub's shaft, the little vixen couldn't help but moan in anticipation, squirming and pushing to get his tip right on her opening.
"Sue, I..." He began, but she shushed him in the cutest way ever. She leaned forward, pressing her lips on his whole at the same time pressing against him, making his tip squeeze it's way into her little underaged cunny. She whimpered a little into the kiss, their lips closed but tightly pressed together. Outside the door, Katherine couldn't help but start to rub herself over her panties. She had never taught them about kissing.
Susan broke the kiss for air, gasping adorably. She was shivering, but not from cold anymore. The feel of her brother's bare flesh, stretching her insides and warming up her little temple was more than she could bear, and she didn't even notice a tiny orgasm as he pushed balls deep inside her.
"D-did it hurt?" He asked cutely, blushing madly as his small frame was covering hers. She blushed a little and shook her head, leaning up to hug him as a paw went to the boy's butt, pushing it in towards her hips in gentle encouragement. It looked adorable, a perfect mix of cute and naughty making love in their mother's bed. Jacob left a slight empty feeling behind as he pulled, but she knew it would be filled again immediately. And fill her he did, pushing back into her with inexperienced but eager hip motions. A soft moan and the cute squeeze of his butt told the young cub he was on the right track, while his bigger sister panted erotically by his ear. Katherine bit her lower lip, loving this little peep show, her fingers brushing aside her panties and dipping a trio of fingers into her wet mess. It had been long. Too long.
"J-Jacob..." Came a tiny whimper from the girl being bred, a tiny beg for more from her incestuous mate. The feeling of bare flesh on bare flesh felt exhilarating, and his humps were scratching all the right spots inside her. The young male's speed increased, his stamina improved by his recent orgasm. His big sister felt so good wrapped around his cock, all wet and fleshy and hot as an oven... And he wanted her, he needed to be close to her. She felt him pick up the pace and squealed in approval, nudging his cheek with her wet nose to entice him into locking lips with her again, the girl needing the boy's love as much as she needed air. This time, albeit awkwardly, their lips opened and they shared their first real kiss, all while rocking to the jerky and erratic motions of young lovemaking. The mother behind the door whimpered and dug her fingers deeper, almost reaching that elusive climax she too craved. But it wasn't meant to be, at least for her. At least for now.
"Sue, I have to... I..." Jacob said softly, his hips now pounding at the girl. Any observer would've immediately assumed he was being too rough for the girl, but her moans and tight holds on his butt and back proved otherwise. She was in heaven, and his lasting had brought her to the edge of something she knew she needed.
"P-please bro...I-I-in me, I want it in me..." She begged shamelessly, speaking her true feelings. A little groan came from both as his knot pushed against two plump outer lips that weren't used to it, and a cute gasp as his bulbous base sealed their link shut, doing its share in the evolutionary directive to impregnate this female. Then, like a switch had been thrown off, they both froze. Lips inches apart, both Cubs shuddered in mutual ecstasy, one of them dumping strings of fertile, hot seed into the other. It was like a fire hose drenching the inferno in Susan's loins, chemicals within the semen telling the brain to calm down, the biological imperative for breeding now met. Neither talked, only a cute little squeal and a groan from the girl and the boy respectively. His seed went past her cervix and flooded her nubile womb, coating her sanctuary with gooey white cream. Her own orgasm was much more subtle, her vaginal muscles contracting to the rhythm of his own throbs, synchronized to pull as much semen out of the boy's shaft as possible. They twitched adorably, each grabbing onto the other for dear life.

post #629260

"Sue..." He whimpered a little.
"Brother..." She whimpered in return.
"Is this gonna happen every month?" He said, panting out of his high.
"I-I-I think so... I... I hope so..." She said cutely. "W-will you help me with it next month?"
"Of course" He said softly, genuinely.
"I... Would love that... So much" she said with this beaming grin. Her legs now burned and her arms were sore, her body now tired and lacking the sexual motivation that had kept it running. Leaning down to hug at the boy, she cuddled her little brother like she used to when they were younger, her little teddy bear. And without another word, the naughty cuddlers went to sleep, still knotted together.

Katherine washed the stickiness off her fingers and went into the room, holding back a squeal at the adorableness of those two cutie lovers. She made sure they were in a nice position, as comfortable as the knot allowed, and tucked them in lovingly before kissing each of their foreheads.
As she left the room, she sighed and looked at the clock. It was still an early night, and the itching on her own loins wasn't getting any better. She went to a safe distance and took her phone out, speed-dialing the first number.
"Hey there foxy" a male voice answered.
"Hey yourself... How are you?"
"I'm good, can't complain. How are the kids?"
"You won't believe what they just did. Sue went into heat today, and I had Jacob help her out of it. They are asleep now, knotted and without protection" she said, giggling a little.
"Naughty woman. You should know better"
"Relax... I barely engaged in it. No chance that they could get sexually attached to me. They did the second round all by themselves."
"Not bad. Still, aren't they too young to ride bareback?"
"They're as old as I was when I did. Besides, I'm getting Sue an IUD tomorrow."
"I see. Seems you have this all thought out"
"Hmmm I do. But... Seeing them do it... It got me really, really horny..."
"And I was wondering if we could meet up tonight at our usual place. I'm aching for you" she said, her voice turning sultry and smoothly seductive.
"You don't sound like you need me that much..."
"Oh you tease... Are you going to make me beg?"
"I haven't had an orgasm in weeks... I just saw my little boy cum deep into my little girl, my pussy is on fire and I have an itch that only your big fat cock can scratch..." She said, panting in arousal.
"That's better. Keep behaving like that and I'll even let you on top"
"You know I like it when you are the one on top, pinning me down... Makes me feel so helpless... So yours..."
"Alright alright... I can tell you need this. Meet me there in half an hour. Wear something sexy"
"Heh, will do. Probably bring a toy or two too"
"Hmmmm such a good girl. I love you, sweetheart"
Katherine smiled and bit her lower lip as she began to think of kinky outfits for the occasion. She then brought the receiver close to her mouth and whispered in a loving tone.
"I love you too, Dad"

  • Comments
  • ShadowChix said:
    damn it didn't i JUST teach you to use a condom in the last page!?

    Actually if you read the story you would know that the mum TOLD them to do that.

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