nintendo and etc created by unknown artist

Scratch Cat Pokemon
Type: Dark
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 9.3 lbs
Ability: Pickup / Technician

Meowth is a Pokémon that did not originally live in the Alola region. They were sent to the royal line as an offering from another region, and only a select few could have them as partners.

The Meowth in Alola are distinct for their cunning and their great pride. Two things they really hate—a wound to their pride and dirt on their coins. If either one happens, they fly into hysterics!

It’s said that the Meowth that were offered to the royal family lived a life of luxury and pampering, which led them to have a selfish and prideful attitude. This caused Meowth’s form to change.

The once-rare Alolan Meowth became feral when the monarchy was destroyed, and they have now become regular Pokémon, seen as commonly in the Alola region as elsewhere.

  • Comments
  • Sooo, Alolan Meowth are kinda the Mulhorandi of the Pokémon universe.

    (For those who don't get the joke, the Mulhorandi of the Forgotten Realms setting are heavily implied to be time- and dimensionally-displaced Egyptians. Cats were regarded as sacred in Egypt to the point of having their own god, and were quite pampered.)

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