cyan background

post #1007652 post #963271 post #983612

Images with a cyan background.

Cyan description

Cyan (RGB hex: #00FFFF) is a color between green and blue. On the green side of cyan lies spring green, and aquamarine. On the blue side of cyan lies, azure blue, and turquoise. Dark cyan is generally known as teal. Teal is usually kept separate from cyan.

See also

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: light_cyan_bg, cyan_bg, light_cyan_background (learn more).

This tag implicates simple_background (learn more).

Posts (view all)

2024 3:4 3_toes 4_fingers alien ambiguous_gender antennae_(anatomy) artist_name cyan_background digital_drawing_(artwork) digital_media_(artwork) dipstick_antennae disney emanata experiment_(lilo_and_stitch) fan_character feet fingers green_eyes green_pupils leg_markings lilo_and_stitch looking_away markings multicolored_antennae no_sclera open_mouth psychedelic-lemur pufferizer_(sketch-lampoon) pupils scales semi-anthro simple_background solo tan_body tan_scales toes yellow_body yellow_scales
4_fingers absurd_res anthro big_breasts big_butt breasts brown_body brown_fur brown_hair butt butt_focus canid canine cyan_background female fingers fluffy fur green_eyes hair hi_res huge_breasts huge_butt hybrid hyper hyper_butt long_tail mammal procyonid raccoon raccoon_dog raccoonuki raquel_(raccoonuki) simple_background sketch solo tail tanuki thick_thighs toony white_background
4_fingers absurd_res anthro areola big_breasts blonde_hair blue_eyes breasts canid canine chest_tuft cyan_background english_text female fingers fox fur genitals hair hi_res huge_breasts hyper hyper_breasts mammal nipples nude orange_body orange_fur pink_areola pink_nipples ponytail pussy raccoonuki red_fox simple_background sketch solo tammy_(raccoonuki) text thick_thighs toony true_fox tuft white_background white_body white_fur
absurd_res anthro belly big_breasts bottomwear bra breasts brown_body brown_fur brown_hair canid canine clothing cyan_background female fur green_bra green_clothing green_eyes green_underwear hair hi_res huge_breasts hybrid hyper legwear long_hair mammal procyonid raccoon raccoon_dog raccoonuki raquel_(raccoonuki) shorts simple_background sketch slightly_chubby slightly_chubby_female solo sports_bra stockings tanuki thick_thighs toony underwear white_background