howto:sites and sources - i to p

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Sites listed below


Homepage - Wiki page
Online image hosting and sharing service
Possibly unfavorable source (size-dependent)
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • TIFFs, PDFs and XCFs are converted to PNGs.
  • PNGs over 1 MB for anonymous uploads and 5 MB for account holders are converted to JPEGs, and the maximum file size for all non-animated uploads are 20MB.[source]
  • GIFs over 2 MB are turned into GIFVs.[source] From GIFV, the GIF file is preferred on e621, even if a WebM file is also generated.
  • On April 19, 2023, Imgur updated their terms of service, with the new terms going into effect on May 15, 2023. Imgur will begin deleting "old, unused, and inactive content that is not tied to a user account" and "nudity, pornography, & sexually explicit content" when the changes go into effect.[source]


Homepage - Wiki page
Furry art gallery and online community
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Has a dedicated wiki at:
  • Inkbunny stores a couple preview versions of images. To get the best version, either:
    • Press Download (new tab) under image.
    • Open preview image and change /screen/ to /full/ in the URL. With /preview/, you may also need to change the file type from .jpg to .png.
    • Select wide option from set default image size: below the image and save the image on the page.
  • Guests are able to view mature and adult content, though it's hidden by default and must be turned on in Allowed Ratings. Artists can restrict their work to only registered users, however, and it is the default for nudity and all adult content.
  • Does optimization and strips metadata from images, which means the MD5 checksum will not match the original submission, but the content itself should be identical.[source]
URL format

Artist page:<artist>

Submission page:<submission ID>

Direct image:<image size>/<file ID without last three digits>/<file ID>_<artist>_<title>.<filetype>
  • NOTICE! Direct image URL does not contain the original submission or page ID (and opening from another site will fail due to a referer check), so always remember to add this to the sources field when uploading directly!
Reverse searching
  • All MD5 hashes can be searched. Use the following to search:<MD5 hash>&md5=yes


Homepage - Wiki page
Photo and video sharing social network owned by Facebook
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • All images, whether or not they're filtered, are recompressed JPEGs that may also be cropped from their original form.
  • The typical maximum width of images is 1080 pixels. This webpage details other size restrictions depending on how the images are posted.
URL format

Artist page:<username>/

Submission page:<submission ID>/

Direct image (some of the URL elements that are not within inequality signs [<>] may also vary):

https://scontent-<server ID><MD5?>/<eight base-16 characters>/t51.2885-15/e35/<"small" assortment of numbers>_<"medium" assortment of numbers>_<"large" assortment of numbers>_n.jpg
  • Add media/?size=lat the end submission URL to access the direct image.


Art-focused social network
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Itaku is a more recent site (went public in October 2020) that is still under development. It has elements taken from various popular art-sharing and social networking sites; its interface has similarities to Twitter and Tumblr.
  • According to the site's rules, content is relatively curated, much like here on e621.
  • Image posts on the site show a compressed JPEG image first, but are usually accompanied with an uncompressed version available for download. To get an uncompressed image, click on the post (or a specific image within a post, especially for multiple image posts), then click on the yellow "Show Uncompressed (<file size>)" button. It will open in a new tab. If only the compressed version is available, then just right-click to view the image directly.
  • To download videos, click either on the video thumbnail or the post, click on the three vertical dots on the bottom-right corner of the video player, and then click "Download" from the pop-up menu that appears. Do not click on the yellow "Download (<file size>)" button at the bottom of the post as you will only get a thumbnail image.
URL format

Artist page:<username>/

Submission page:<post ID>/

Direct image:<imgs or vids>/<original file name>_<seven random alphanumeric characters><see bullet point below>
  • At the end of the direct image URL, compressed images will have /xl.jpg, while uncompressed images will have just the original file's filetype (i.e. .jpg, .png, .gif, or .mp4).
  • Images have gallery_imgs in URL, while videos have gallery_vids instead.


Tip-based crowdfunding platform
Unfavorable source
Direct uploads not whitelisted; images cannot be viewed directly
  • Images uploaded to Ko-fi appear to be restricted to 480 pixels wide for post images and 720 pixels wide for display images.
  • According to Ko-fi user TenPoundPixel, whose animated GIFs have been used by Ko-fi for their help pages, Ko-fi currently does not support animated GIFs, and transparent PNGs and GIFs are converted to JPEGs that scale with the site's image viewer.
  • Images cannot be viewed directly, only from the post; attempting to open images directly causes a download prompt for the image to appear.
URL format

Artist page:<username>

Submission page (shared link only):<nine all-caps alphanumeric characters>

Direct images (download only):<post or display>/<filetype>_kofi_<eight hexadecimal characters>-<four hexadecimal characters>-<another four hexadecimal characters>-<another four hexadecimal characters>-<twelve hexadecimal characters><filename>.<filetype>

The Lion King Fan-Art Archive

Online art community dedicated to The Lion King
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • Click on the file name on the upper-left corner of the submission to view the direct image.
URL format

Artist page:<username>/

Submission page:<picture ID number>/<filename>.<filetype>

Direct image:<username>/<filename>.<filetype>


Homepage - Instances listing -
Open-source federated social networking service
Unfavorable source before 4.2.0 update
Semi-favorable image source after 4.2.0 update
Impossible to whitelist direct uploads from all Mastodon servers. Baraag, Pawoo, and Mastodon.ART are whitelisted.
  • Mastodon instances downscale and reencode media to enforce dimension and file size limits
Update 4.2.0
  • Images (PNG, JPG, HEIF, WEBP) up to 16MB. Images will be downscaled to 8.3 megapixels (enough for a 3840x2160 image). Up to 4 images can be attached, per post.
  • Animated GIFs (GIFV) up to 16MB are converted to soundless MP4s. GIF dimensions must be less than 1MP (1280x720). You can also upload soundless MP4 and WebM files, which will be looped in clients the same way as an animated GIF. Only one animated GIF can be attached, per post.
    • Static GIF files have the same limits applied to them as animated GIF files. If you are having issues uploading these images, you will need to convert it to another supported image format.
  • Videos (MP4, M4V, MOV, WebM) up to 99MB. Video will be transcoded to H.264 MP4 with a maximum bitrate of 1300kbps and framerate of 120fps. Only one video can be attached, per post.
  • Audio (MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, OPUS, AAC, M4A, 3GP) up to 99MB. Audio will be transcoded to MP3 using V2 VBR (roughly 192kbps). Only one audio file can be attached, per post.
Before update 4.2.0
  • Images (PNG, JPG, GIF) up to 8MB. Images will be downscaled to 1.6 megapixels (enough for a 1280x1280 image). Up to 4 images can be attached.
    • Animated GIFs are converted to soundless MP4s like on Imgur/Gfycat (GIFV). You can also upload soundless MP4 and WebM, which will be handled the same way.
  • Videos (MP4, M4V, MOV, WebM) up to 40MB. Video will be transcoded to H.264 MP4 with a maximum bitrate of 1300kbps and framerate of 60fps.
  • Audio (MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, OPUS, AAC, M4A, 3GP) up to 40MB. Audio will be transcoded to MP3 using V2 VBR (roughly 192kbps).
  • Due to the decentralized and self-hosted nature of the platform, we cannot whitelist all servers and instances on Mastodon.
  • The Media page of the user profile is a handy area to browse users' uploads, particularly on instances running the 4.0+ Mastodon update that seems to have changed this page from a Twitter-like Media page to a stripped down gallery of only thumbnails.
  • (From standard single-column viewing mode) Right-click on an image within a "toot" (i.e. a Mastodon post, like a tweet on Twitter) to view it directly or download it to your device.
URL format

User page:

  • Each user is a member of a specific server that operates independently from other Mastodon servers, but they can communicate with other Mastodon servers and their users. The instance name in each user's URL will vary.

User Media page:


Toot link:

https://<>/@<username>/<status ID>

Direct file:

https://< (possibly with additional text, including prefixes)>/media_attachments/files/<three digits>/<three more digits>/<another three digits>/original/<hexadecimal characters>.<filetype>
  • Note that the URL formats for direct files vary between servers, but the text from /media_attachments onward seem to be consistent.


Homepage - Wiki page
Online entertainment and social media website best known for its Flash-based user-generated content
Favorable source excluding posts with multiple images
Only direct artwork whitelisted (
  • Newgrounds hosts more than just Flash games and animations.
  • Minimum resolution of 16 by 16 pixels. Maximum resolution of 4 million pixels square.
  • Right-click an image on an art submission page to view or download the direct image.
  • Videos and Flash files not directly downloadable, see the other and tools sections on the main howto:sites and sources page or read this page to see how you can retrieve those files. (Link also contains an automated direct link retriever.)
  • No underage characters depicted in any sexual manner allowed.
  • For posts that contain multiple images, all images after the first are reduced to half of their original resolution and are often displayed as .webp files.
URL format

Artist page:


Submission page (artwork):<username>/<artwork-title>

Submission page (games and movies):<submission ID number>

Direct image:<number>/<submission ID number>_<username>_<artwork-title>.<filetype>?f<number>

Direct Flash and video files:<number>/<submission ID number>_<username>_<work-title>.<filetype>?f<number>
  • ?f<number> is superfluous and can be removed.


Defunct microblogging and social networking service based on pre-NSFW purge Tumblr
Defunct source
Direct uploads not whitelisted (site no longer online)
  • This website shut down in June 2023. All information in this entry is preserved for archival purposes.
  • To view an image in its original quality, just click on it in its post. Right-click on it to view it directly, download it, or copy the direct image URL.
  • To get the original uncompressed images (if you're directly viewing a preview; see URL format section below), either change the suffix to _0 or (more preferably) just remove the underscore and number altogether.
URL format

Artist page:


Submission page:

https://<blog-name><post number>/

Direct image:<blog ID number>/<post number>/<digit possibly relating to an image's upload order in the post>/<unique image ID number>/nT_<an alphanumeric hash[?]>_<number derived from "300 * n" [where "n" is 0, 1, 2, or 4, see below] for recompressed previews>.<filetype>

There are a few preview size suffixes in the direct image URLs (just before the filename extension) seem to be _0, _300, _600, and _1200 (hence the aforementioned "300 * n").

  • _600 is the default used in posts and restricts images to a maximum height of 800 pixels, not 600.
  • _1200 restricts images to a maximum height of 1200 pixels. — e.g. [1], [2]
  • _300 restricts images to a maximum width of 300 pixels. — e.g. [1], [2]
  • _0 is just the original quality image.

Note: Non-animated preview images will always be loaded with .jpg at the end, even if the original image is actually a PNG image. Changing the direct URL of an original quality image on the site for a JPEG to .png or a PNG to .jpg will load the same exact image either way.


Homepage - Wiki page
Japanese art gallery
Favorability unknown
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • Japanese website, so similar to Pixiv, censoring is required.
Reverse searching

Omorashi (a.k.a. OmoOrg)

Social network for the omorashi fetish
Favorable source (for gallery images)
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • Gallery images can be downloaded in original quality, via the "Image Tools" menu on the lower right of the image, or by appending ?do=download to the end of the URL.
    • Favorability unknown for other images (images embedded in forum posts, etc.)
URL format

User page:<user id>-<slug>/

Submission page:<submission-id>-<slug>

Original image download:<submission-id>-<slug>?do=download


Cloud storage service owned by Microsoft
Favorable source (cloud storage)
Direct uploads not whitelisted
  • To view a direct image on OneDrive, click on the image, then select "View original" on the header.
  • To download an image without viewing or previewing it first, hover your cursor over its thumbnail, click on the circle that appears on the upper-right corner of the thumbnail to select it, then click "Download" on the header.
    • Multiple images can be selected either by clicking on each of their select circles or by clicking-and-dragging (click and hold in the spaces between the files and folders, then drag over them to select what you want).
URL format

User page (root folder):<hexadecimal (base 16) characters>

User page (any non-root folder):<hexadecimal (base 16) characters>!<number>&cid=<same hexadecimal (base 16) characters>

File page:<hexadecimal (base 16) characters>&id=<same hexadecimal (base 16) characters>!<number>&parId=<same hexadecimal (base 16) characters>!<number>&o=OneUp

Direct image:

https://<six base 36 characters>.<two base 36 characters><a large assortment of characters>/<file name>.<filetype>?psid=1
  • ?psid=1 is superfluous and can be removed.


Homepage - Wiki page
Booru-style image board dedicated to explicit fan art (a.k.a. Rule 34)
Not recommended as a source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Like as mentioned under Derpibooru, artwork from other boorus are usually discouraged. However, a number of explicit fan art are posted on there, and their site is on our direct upload whitelist.
  • Paheal respects artists' wishes, accepting takedown requests and maintaining their own DNP list.
  • To view a direct image or video, just click on the "Image Only" link under a picture's thumbnail when searching posts, or click on either the "Image Only" or "Backup Server" links on a post's page.
  • If a post has a source to the original image, use the image from there instead, not Paheal's.
    • Likewise, it's also recommended that you make a reverse search from there first, or search for an artist's gallery/galleries if they are tagged in an image but not sourced.
URL format

Submission page:<post ID>

Direct image:

https://<server name><hexadecimal (base 16) characters>/<post I> - <tags separated by spaces>.<filetype>
  • Spaces appear as %20 in copied URLs.


Homepage - Wiki page
Crowdfunding platform
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Patreon has changed their layout and method of serving images on submissions many times, some in a way where they were serving upscaled content, so writing a step by step might get outdated as it's being written. Try to seek out the highest resolution/quality version from the submission page and keep an eye out if the content does look upscaled.
    • Attached files found under the image are always preferred as these should be the images intended to be downloaded.
    • With images embedded on the submission, make sure you are zoomed in if your cursor changes while hovering over the image, then save it.
  • Content creators can restrict access to either public, patrons only or certain tier patrons only. Site's rules state that Patreons containing explicit content must be marked as such and explicit posts should be set for patrons only.[source]
URL format

Artist page:<Username>

Submission page:<post-name>-<post ID #>

Direct image:<#>/<twelve alphanumeric characters possibly tied to user>/patreon-media/p/post/<post ID #>/<32 hexadecimal characters>/<image number>.<filetype>?token-time=<UNIX time stamp?>&token-hash=<random characters>
  • Images are not directly accessible without token parameters.


Online art streaming service and gallery
Favorable source
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • Maximum file size of 2MB for free users, 200MB for premium users. Doesn't use compression. [source]
    • Possible to upload multiple images at once by storing images in an zip archive and using the bulk uploader.
    • Possible plans to raise file size limit to 10MB per image for free users. [source]
  • Explicit images are blurred by default, you can remove blur by simply clicking on the image. To make all images un-blurred either click "Always show adult content" or adjust your account settings.
  • Submission pages will display the full version of the first image automatically.
    • Submission pages can have one or multiple images. To switch images either click one of the arrows beside the currently displayed image, or click one of the thumbnails above the currently displayed image.


Blogging platform primarily for creative types based on Tumblr, Twitter, and LiveJournal
Unfavorable source unless originally saved in the sRGB color space
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • The site is currently in a public beta that requires payment for registration. Registration is not required to view users' blogs, however.
  • Unlike the current iteration of Tumblr, NSFW content is allowed. Users can tag individual posts for NSFW content.
  • Pillowfort changes the color spaces of images posted on there to sRGB, thus affecting the quality of the original image if it is not saved in that color space. The site also adds additional metadata to the images. e.g. Compare post #2349805 to the Pillowfort version of the same image. (Here's a two-frame animation showing the changes.)
  • Click on an image in a post to directly view it in a new tab.
URL format

Artist page:<Username>

Submission page:<post #>

Direct image:<twelve hexadecimal characters>_<filename>.<filetype>
  • Spaces appear as %20 in copied URLs.


Homepage - Wiki page
Japanese online art community and social network
Favorable source except for animations
Direct uploads whitelisted
  • The site has a mandatory rule on censoring sexual body parts. Many Japanese artists opt to post uncensored versions elsewhere, while some simply ignore the rule.
  • As of December 25, 2023, Pixiv now restricts certain artwork from being displayed based on the user's location. (The announcement for the change was made on December 26.) This is to comply with the laws of other countries, according to the site. However, users can manually change their location in their user settings to a different location (only via desktop and mobile browsers).
  • To get the best version:
    • With single images, click on it to open it in a viewer.
    • With sets, clicking images opens "manga mode" in a new tab. There are two different layouts for manga mode: one for normal images (which shows one image at a time) and one for comics (which separates pages into two at a time in a right-to-left format), though older comics use the former as the latter is a more recent addition. To get the best version:
      • For normal images, click the expand icon on the top left corner of the image, NOT the icon on the top right! This opens the full version in a new tab viewer.
      • For comics, click the expand icon located to the left of the page navigators. This loads the full image on the page and will automatically load the remaining ones in the same format as well.
    • Full image URLs should contain /img-original/, all previews have /img-master/ instead. For older uploads, see here for examples.
  • Ugoiras are Pixiv's way of serving animations. They are stored as individual JPEG files and shown on an HTML5 canvas with set delays. Because of this, content cannot be directly downloaded and needs to be converted into either a WebM (preferred) or GIF. See the tools section on the main howto:sites and sources page. (JavaScript command: javascript:window.location=pixiv.context.ugokuIllustFullscreenData.src; does not work consistently anymore)
URL format

Artist page (old format):<artist ID>

Artist page (new format):</en>/users/<artist ID>

Submission page (old format):<submission ID>

Submission page (new format):</en>/artworks/<submission ID>
  • Note: /en is added to the URL if a user is viewing the site in English; the CJK languages (Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese) do not add anything to the URL.

Direct image:<year>/<month>/<day>/<hour>/<minute>/<second>/<submission ID>_p0.<filetype>
  • img-master URLs contain preview images.
Reverse searching

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[See also: howto:sites and sources - a to h and q to z]