Artist: jesusismyhomie
Connect with me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JesusIsMyHomie/
Ever since I was first able to hold onto a pencil I've loved to draw.
Current Residence: Somewhere in the heart of the Swedish (not Swiss) province of Westrogothia (Västergötland)...
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Umm, whatever fits? (medium ;) (Wink))
Print preference: As long as the printer doesn't run out of ink and color it's fine with me.
Favourite genre of music: I'm pretty much an omnivore when it comes to music, but I guess I listen to metal the most.
Favourite photographer: Eh....Grandma? Sweating a little...
Favourite style of art: Chiaroscuro (the style of Rembrandt)
Operating System: Windows 8.1
MP3 player of choice: Aimp3
Shell of choice: Dude, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shell....COWABUNGA!!
Wallpaper of choice: The kind I have in my room
Skin of choice: My own, it would hurt to much to change it
Favourite cartoon character: Do I really have to pick ONE?!
Personal Quote: What The Fudge?!
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