created by o-kemono
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Life's A Chibi: Words Can Hurt

The words we choose to say can have so much power in any situation. They have the power to heal or to harm others around us. Just one word can make someone feel happy and comforted while another can make someone feel hurt and agitated. Everyone has a different tolerance and viewpoint to what someone says – either due to language difference, educational background, or upbringing. What we say may sound harmless to our own ears, but someone else can hear what is said as something completely different. There is a reason why we must choose the words we use before we speak as they can have different effects to others.

Some people don't care what they say to others. They speak their mind without a filter – not holding anything back to anyone. They know that what they say could hurt someone without any regards to how the other might feel, just to get their point across. If the recipient feels attacked or becomes angry due to what the other said to them, the one who spoke would feel that what they said was justified and would blame the other for reacting negatively, even if the one speaking was using words and phrases that would heavily effect the other's emotions in a bad way. They believe that they have the right to offend people and get away with it.

People are entitled to speak their mind and to describe their thoughts and viewpoints about how they feel. However, that doesn't mean we can say whatever we want without a filter and expect what we say not to have consequences. You have the right to say what you want to say, and people have the right to respond to it in what they feel is justified. We need to be careful how we choose our words, tone, and structure. Not everyone will agree with what you are saying or seeing. If your viewpoint contains negative and violent tendencies, people will react negatively to it. Treat your words like water: calm tones and words create small ripples. Harsh tones and words create larger waves. If someone takes what you said the wrong way and they are reacting negatively towards you, but yet that wasn't your intention, then its your responsibility to explain yourself.

Always best to think before you speak. Your words define who and what type of person you are.

artwork © 2024 Alex Cockburn

  • Comments
  • Words can be a tricky thing nowadays. There's been a massive increase in people that often overreact to harmless or nebulous things, and what's worse yet, is some people will choose purposely in interoperate things in hurtful manners, even if when the intent is explained further, because they choose to believe they have insight on people they've never even met before. Worse yet, there's a lot of people out there that if you don't agree with every little part of what they say, regardless what part and why, you're lumped into a group you have no ties with at all. It's no wonder there's been a sharp increase of apathy towards it all, because even when you police your speech to a T and do your best, there's going to be someone who overreacts and tries their hardest to label you as a problem.

    What's even worse is a LOT of those people end up in positions of power too, it's all over the place, even here.

    It's a scary place out there, in the end, I fear that all this screaming and yelling is going to eventually become dead silence...

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  • that note changing it from "regardless if it hurts.." to "regardless of it hurts.." ...someone needs to remove that note XD Makes it not make any sense at all. -.-

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  • You just know this is going to be posted on some forum or channel somewhere, when the "words that hurt" were "I disagree with you."

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  • somerandomvoir said:
    Words can be a tricky thing nowadays. There's been a massive increase in people that often overreact to harmless or nebulous things, and what's worse yet, is some people will choose purposely in interoperate things in hurtful manners, even if when the intent is explained further, because they choose to believe they have insight on people they've never even met before. Worse yet, there's a lot of people out there that if you don't agree with every little part of what they say, regardless what part and why, you're lumped into a group you have no ties with at all. It's no wonder there's been a sharp increase of apathy towards it all, because even when you police your speech to a T and do your best, there's going to be someone who overreacts and tries their hardest to label you as a problem.

    What's even worse is a LOT of those people end up in positions of power too, it's all over the place, even here.

    It's a scary place out there, in the end, I fear that all this screaming and yelling is going to eventually become dead silence...

    the end of kind civil discussion without the goal to understand the other side would be an unkind world indeed.

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  • incuboi said:
    that note changing it from "regardless if it hurts.." to "regardless of it hurts.." ...someone needs to remove that note XD Makes it not make any sense at all. -.-

    You're right, I did a double take when I saw the note and thought it was right but the note is actually wrong, what does need to be fixed is instead right next to it "reguardless"

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