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from twitter:

I'm a little late to the party, but here's my contribution to
' #AprilJewels! And it's with Lucy's new model!

Bary was not fond of how many takes these all took. Lucy made sure it was worth his while though.

  • Comments
  • lurkmann said:
    Is it me or does the video not work

    It seems there an issue on phones, probably due to its resolution... had no idea that was a thing. If you set it to "sample 720p" it should work just fine.

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  • lucythepuma said:
    It seems there an issue on phones, probably due to its resolution... had no idea that was a thing. If you set it to "sample 720p" it should work just fine.

    when I'm on mobile, I often can't read videos that have just been uploaded, I recommend you favorite the post and come back to it tomorrow and see if it's worth staying in there ;3

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