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In response to blip #105225

KynikossDragonn said:
They will if you modify your hosts file so that "static1.e621.net" resolves to "" or ""

or possibly
i.e. change it to whatever one is not the default you get from DNS queries

though there's probably some people who can't get a favourable route regardless of whether they go through cloudflare or to the main server

has cloudflare been disabled? it looks like my static1. requests are going straight to the master server now

a little css hack to put the uploader's name on the page:

#image-and-nav {position: relative;}
#image-container[data-uploader]::after {
	content : "Uploader: " attr(data-uploader);
	position : absolute;
	left : 0;
	bottom : -0.8em;
	font-size : 0.9em;
	color : #b4c7d9;

i feel like my brain just isn't suitable for artistic hobbies

every time i try to make some progress i work so slowly and burn out so quickly that i wonder if i'll ever have something i can call finished in this lifetime

In response to blip #104868

Jakku_NoShi said:
Can someone tell me why art needs to meet the artistic standards?

well my friend, unfortunately every piece of art incurs a cost,
the cost of storing it on the server, the cost of indexing it in the database, the cost of uploading and downloading it, maintaining backups, and the inherent burden of sharing intellectual property.
sure, the cost of each individual post is small, often immeasurable, but when you have millions of posts it becomes substantial.
that is why every post needs to be at least valuable enough to justify its cost. without some kind of quality standards, the site would end up spending a whole lot of money to host art that the user base is not interested in.

In response to blip #104855

Samael_Morningstar said:
well at this moment in time i don't see my anorexia as a threat yet because i am currently 125 pounds overweight.

okay i suppose there's comfort in knowing you've still got some buffer, at least

i think you should treat your rickets though, if you aren't already; vitamin D pills are cheap and almost tasteless
(and maybe consider taking all the other vitamins while you're at it)

man i keep typing into the google searchbar and seeing spoilers in the autocomplete results
i never seem to learn, it's happened like four times now …

In response to blip #104838

crusty_fire said:
I swear the only reason I'm bothering to learn Python is to make tagging and sourcing easier for myself... Kinda sad lmao

y'know i think programming is a worthwhile use of time, even if no one benefits from the result.

i've been writing software for over 10 years and i always felt like there was valuable learning inherent in creation of all but the most trivial programs, as much now as when i first started.

of course it's more fulfilling when your work can be used/appreciated by others, but achieving that often requires much more effort/expertise than just solving problems for yourself

In response to blip #104800

Samael_Morningstar said:
get lipo and maintain a strict diet (I will be here in 3 months, but already anorexic and don't eat but once every 3 days)

hold on, what?!
wouldn't that leave you dangerously malnourished?
(especially dangerous with that virus going around; the last thing you need is weakened immune system)

get bottom two ribs removed

🤔 what does this achieve?

i edited all my browser history
from /post/show/# to /posts/#, etc.

only 20k pages though… i should spend more time here

In response to blip #104606

Mairo said:
@bipface: I have this funny thing where my monitor blanks black whenever I stand up from my chair. I don't have to have any physical commection to any wire or machine part for it to do that and I still don't know how or why that happens.

ah yes, i used to have an A/V receiver that would spontaneously switch input channel if i bumped the table it was sitting on.
some kind of loose connection i guess, probably similar to your case.

it concerns me when switching on or off one appliance causes a reaction in another.
e.g. when i unplug my amplifier, my screen turns black for a second.
it used to be when i turn off my desk lamp, my keyboard would light up, even though the PC is off (and the lamp wasn't connected to the PC in any way).

i suppose it must be like a brief disturbance in the AC wires that causes power supplies to misbehave. or perhaps some kind of ground-loop effect.
maybe someone who's into electronics could guess at what might be going on here.

In response to blip #104371

savageorange said:
Yeah, that comment is weird. What transparency?
Maybe I don't notice it because …

probably because on the post page, the image element has a white background applied to it with CSS

you can see the transparent areas easily by changing the background to black (paste into url bar):
data:text/html,<body style='background-color:black;'><img src='https://static1.e621.net/data/ed/30/ed30cf6342e60f91d232c58430d46727.gif'></body>