Currently listening to Dark Network - Magic Genie
Currently listening to Dark Network - Magic Genie
Dragonlord2328 said:
Today has been shit with passive aggressive coworker whos gonna get their ass beat at least ive got my warhammer 40k game tomorrow to look forward to
Always look at the positive, Dragon. :v
Today has been shit with passive aggressive coworker whos gonna get their ass beat at least ive got my warhammer 40k game tomorrow to look forward to
so, umm... how come the Super Smash Bros. characters have skeletons?...
dba_afish said:
sleep's for nerds.
True, we're the ones most deserving of it because we don't get enough sleep.
Dragonlord2328 said:
Been working a few nights atm and im like why tf are people coming out at 1am for stuff does nobody actually sleep anymore
sleep's for nerds.
Been working a few nights atm and im like why tf are people coming out at 1am for stuff does nobody actually sleep anymore
ManPhish said:
pressing "a" changes the mode to "add to set" but there doesn't seem to be a shortcut to change it back to "view post"
no it dosn't... "a" is the shortcut for previous page.
unless that's a Re621 thing, in which case, all of the shortcuts for Re621 are customizable.
ManPhish said:
pressing "a" changes the mode to "add to set" but there doesn't seem to be a shortcut to change it back to "view post"
sucks to suck ig
pressing "a" changes the mode to "add to set" but there doesn't seem to be a shortcut to change it back to "view post"
dba_afish said:
as long as all of them are available in larger-than-thumbnail size, which they do seem to be, they should be acceptable.
great, thanks. sorry to bug : )
lorianne said:
I've got some stuff i've been thinking about uploading. do you think this would be considered too poor in quality/size to make it through the post guidelines?
as long as all of them are available in larger-than-thumbnail size, which they do seem to be, they should be acceptable.
I've got some stuff i've been thinking about uploading. do you think this would be considered too poor in quality/size to make it through the post guidelines?
Tekken Tourney commences in 4 Saturday’s. (March 15th)
Gotta start practicing… :3
nunc stans rise up
Numi Reveals her 3D Nyami model
Meow! <3
Meow! <3
they made a bratty girl and they called her "mei sugaki". peak.
Dragonlord2328 said:
At least youre okay and not a wolf sandwich the roads in my town are suprisingly salted frequently pathways however not so much
But this sudden winter storm was fresh so salting the roads is still ongoing. 5 vehicles on my way home suffered ditch accidents.
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Extremely icy roads today and I almost got myself into an accident. I nearly fender bender’d a driver in front of me as I’m tapping my breaks. Meanwhile a car behind me starts honking at me telling me he couldn’t stop his car. So I was close to becoming a sandwich by two cars. Thankfully, I’ve been in icy roads all my life so all I did was merge to the side and let the car behind me slide right on through.😮💨
At least youre okay and not a wolf sandwich the roads in my town are suprisingly salted frequently pathways however not so much
dba_afish said:
okay, going back and double checking this now, I am seeing what appears to be it rounding down like what you described, but not to nearest whole pixel, but to the lowest adjacent half-pixel, a floor function (so .33px rounds to 0, .66px rounds to .5px, and -.33px rounds to -.5px).that behavior would actually explain what I was seeing in my screenshots. the drop shadows are all offset slightly to the top left, because all of the values I used were floored, half to 0, half to -.5px.
(body[data-th-main="<theme>"] makes testing these little things across browsers much easier.)
And I got the round towards 0 problem. Yay.
Extremely icy roads today and I almost got myself into an accident. I nearly fender bender’d a driver in front of me as I’m tapping my breaks. Meanwhile a car behind me starts honking at me telling me he couldn’t stop his car. So I was close to becoming a sandwich by two cars. Thankfully, I’ve been in icy roads all my life so all I did was merge to the side and let the car behind me slide right on through.
SNPtheCat said:
huh interesting
okay, going back and double checking this now, I am seeing what appears to be it rounding down like what you described, but not to nearest whole pixel, but to the lowest adjacent half-pixel, a floor function (so .33px rounds to 0, .66px rounds to .5px, and -.33px rounds to -.5px).
that behavior would actually explain what I was seeing in my screenshots. the drop shadows are all offset slightly to the top left, because all of the values I used were floored, half to 0, half to -.5px.
(body[data-th-main="<theme>"] makes testing these little things across browsers much easier.)
Ooh, I like the new site UI esthetics :)
dba_afish said:
trying to see if I can recreate the problems you've got.I downloaded a WebKit-based browser, Dolphin Browser, so that I could compare Firefox (which I normally use), Chromium, and WebKit.
aaand... I'm not able to recreate any of the problems that you're experiencing, unfortunately.
I am, however, seeing an entirely different weird bug with the drop-shadow filter, so that's great. these were all the same settings (4 drop-shadows, offset diagonally by .33x.33px in each direction), zoomed in as far as the browsers would allow. both Chrome and Dolphin have a weird additional -.33px offset in the x and y directions for some strange reason. (text shadows and borders both render fine on all three.)
huh interesting
SNPtheCat said:
That was (and still is) literally my current solution. I hate how you can't turn blue to 0 and spread to 1
Also you can't stack the same color (at least on my machine), you have to change a couple bits
trying to see if I can recreate the problems you've got.
I downloaded a WebKit-based browser, Dolphin Browser, so that I could compare Firefox (which I normally use), Chromium, and WebKit.
aaand... I'm not able to recreate any of the problems that you're experiencing, unfortunately.
I am, however, seeing an entirely different weird bug with the drop-shadow filter, so that's great. these were all the same settings (4 drop-shadows, offset diagonally by .33x.33px in each direction), zoomed in as far as the browsers would allow. both Chrome and Dolphin have a weird additional -.33px offset in the x and y directions for some strange reason. (text shadows and borders both render fine on all three.)
I just wanted to inform you all that I created the page for artist #100000 and it did feel pretty awesome.
dba_afish said:
have you messed around with the feather/blur radius of filter:drop-shadow()? that's.......................this value -v { filter: drop-shadow(black 0 0 1px) }stacking a few of those looks alright. if you only can only use whole pixel values for that as well, you can do something like this:
svg, .nav-logo a.nav-logo-link { filter: drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 0 0 1px) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 0 0 1px) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 0 0 1px); }with smaller values and more stacked shadows it looks slightly more like a clean stroke. (but again, multiple filters tends to cause lag, especially with complex SVG)
That was (and still is) literally my current solution. I hate how you can't turn blue to 0 and spread to 1
Also you can't stack the same color (at least on my machine), you have to change a couple bits
dba_afish said:
huh. all the ads I saw for it made it look unwatchable.which, to be fair, isn't all that uncommon that decent movies get just absolutely terrible marketing.
i really really liked it. the gore was really good and it didn't take itself too seriously, it was very funny when it needed to be and thrillery when it needed to be. wouldn't say it was scary, but im a gorehound horror freak who has never been scared by a horror movie (other than eddie murphy's haunted mansion when i was a kid...) so i thoroughly enjoyed it! i kinda wanna see it again already lol
[Manga Dub] My girlfriend dumped me after I got fired, but... [RomCom]
Not smug, just a catgirl in disguise.
Manitka said:
just saw Heart Eyes with my husband it was soooooooooooooooo fucking good holy shit :3333333
gory rom com? yes please :3
huh. all the ads I saw for it made it look unwatchable.
which, to be fair, isn't all that uncommon that decent movies get just absolutely terrible marketing.
just saw Heart Eyes with my husband it was soooooooooooooooo fucking good holy shit :3333333
gory rom com? yes please :3
dba_afish said:
the heck is "A Gongonzola"?
Paraphonic said:
tee hee
the heck is "A Gongonzola"?
garfieldfromgarfield said:
i'm like a gorgon
SNPtheCat said:
Font size for >=1 works, fractional doesn't
Font size has no effect
have you messed around with the feather/blur radius of filter:drop-shadow()? that's...
....................this value -v { filter: drop-shadow(black 0 0 1px) }
stacking a few of those looks alright. if you only can only use whole pixel values for that as well, you can do something like this:
svg, .nav-logo a.nav-logo-link { filter: drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 0 0 1px) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 0 0 1px) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 0 0 1px); }
with smaller values and more stacked shadows it looks slightly more like a clean stroke. (but again, multiple filters tends to cause lag, especially with complex SVG)
SNPtheCat said:
Huh, I swore it only moved the avatar. That's how it did when i disabled mobile mode
Try this
.simple-avatar-image {position:relative; right:900px; } .nav-controls > a > span {background:none}
Critical_Stiban said:
@SNPtheCat: That’s not the problem. Moving it is fine sure but moving the rest? Not so much.
Huh, I swore it only moved the avatar. That's how it did when i disabled mobile mode
@SNPtheCat: That’s not the problem. Moving it is fine sure but moving the rest? Not so much.
One should have not underestimated the turning radius of a city bus. Apologies goes to the driver of the Soliad Wensleydale or whatever. I did not mean to have to exchange insurance informations.
Truly a beaming of the. drive.
dba_afish said:
this seems like there was some misunderstanding here. that appears to be a change meant for mobile mode rather than desktop, which is what you were asking about.
If it's not far enough to the left, they can change the numerical values. If it's another issue they'll need to elaborate
SNPtheCat said:
I would recommend that you avoid using that wordI already have some things that immediately disqualify me - mobile only + not that much attention to detail
I forgot that word is derogatory lmao, my bad, but my question was more of in a hypothetical situation in wich you can be one, would you want and why?
I ask this because on the surface i don't see a reason to
i'm like a gorgon
Critical_Stiban said:
@SNPtheCat: Holy fuck no. That is definitely not what I want. I'll wait for @Cinder to deliver.
this seems like there was some misunderstanding here. that appears to be a change meant for mobile mode rather than desktop, which is what you were asking about.
@SNPtheCat: Holy fuck no. That is definitely not what I want. I'll wait for @Cinder to deliver.
SNPtheCat said:
I already have some things that immediately disqualify me - mobile only + not that much attention to detail
I'm not sure that mobile only is a hard dealbreaker.
theoretically, you should be able to handle any janitor or moderator responsibility on a mobile browser, although having to manually check Discord because how notifs work with big servers would be a bit tough to deal with.
Bsmasulauch said:
That answer it all, i wonder why people would want to be a janny, do you think you would wantto?
I would recommend that you avoid using that word
I already have some things that immediately disqualify me - mobile only + not that much attention to detail
SNPtheCat said:
I would assume:
1. Someone that understands the basics of the uploading guidelines pretty well. That is to say, if something is unambiguously on one side of approval/rejection they should be able to make the correct decision. (I'm conjecturing, but the applicant having many posts uploaded is a sign that they are at least familiar).
The edge cases can be discussed (and passed onto someone else) so don't worry too much about those.2. Generally, avoid having a record or staff note (or vibes in general) saying that you're (unduly) hostile to other users. (This is probably a pre interview background check)
3. The ability to use discord to communicate with the other staff (discord is where most of the private staff interactions take place)
4. The ability to set aside some time to go and approve/reject/delete/unflag the posts in the modqueue
That answer it all, i wonder why people would want to be a janny, do you think you would wantto?
SNPtheCat said:
Font size for >=1 works, fractional doesn't
Font size has no effect
transform:scale(2) doesn't have any effect besides resizing the icons, or none at all. But then i haven't tried very hard with it
If there is a way to duplicate an element and interact with it (we can already scale svg), it would be nice
There's feOffset, but it seems inextricably linked with feBlend and is complicated
dba_afish said:
hmm...uhh... one more thing you could try, I'd be very surprised if this worked; it's a really jank way of doing it:
svg, .nav-logo a.nav-logo-link { font-size: .67px; filter: drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -1em -1em 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -1em 1em 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 1em -1em 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 1em 1em 0); }the only other thing I can think of is trying to use transform: scale() or something but-- I dunno.
it's very strange to me that sub-pixel values would work for text-shadow but not this...
Font size for >=1 works, fractional doesn't
Font size has no effect
SNPtheCat said:
Well it (doesn't) work on my machine. It seems to round down to 0, and if i put .99 it rounds to 1 (and then i will actually be able to see it)
uhh... one more thing you could try, I'd be very surprised if this worked; it's a really jank way of doing it:
svg, .nav-logo a.nav-logo-link { font-size: .67px; filter: drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -1em -1em 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -1em 1em 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 1em -1em 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) 1em 1em 0); }
the only other thing I can think of is trying to use transform: scale() or something but-- I dunno.
it's very strange to me that sub-pixel values would work for text-shadow but not this...
Bsmasulauch said:
Oh, thats a pretty useful info, do you know what the interviewer wants in a possible janitor?
I would assume:
1. Someone that understands the basics of the uploading guidelines pretty well. That is to say, if something is unambiguously on one side of approval/rejection they should be able to make the correct decision. (I'm conjecturing, but the applicant having many posts uploaded is a sign that they are at least familiar).
The edge cases can be discussed (and passed onto someone else) so don't worry too much about those.
2. Generally, avoid having a record or staff note (or vibes in general) saying that you're (unduly) hostile to other users. (This is probably a pre interview background check)
3. The ability to use discord to communicate with the other staff (discord is where most of the private staff interactions take place)
4. The ability to set aside some time to go and approve/reject/delete/unflag the posts in the modqueue
dba_afish said:
every so often they do a staff drive, last one was around 11 months ago, now.applicants sign up to be either a moderator (who handles user report tickets and bans) or a janitor (who handles post approvals and deletions), an admin interviews the applicant, and then they take some time and decide which of the applicants should be picked to fill in the roles.
Oh, thats a pretty useful info, do you know what the interviewer wants in a possible janitor?
dba_afish said:
are you sure drop-shadow dosn't support non-whole numbers? because with my testing it seems like it does:svg, .nav-logo a.nav-logo-link { filter: drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -.66px -.66px 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -.66px .66px 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) .66px -.66px 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) .66px .66px 0); }
EDIT: I will say that this function seems like it causes hella lag, in some situations though, so it might be best to use it sparingly, and not just on all svg like I did here.
Well it (doesn't) work on my machine. It seems to round down to 0, and if i put .99 it rounds to 1 (and then i will actually be able to see it)
Bsmasulauch said:
What are the requirements for someone to become a mod here
every so often they do a staff drive, last one was around 11 months ago, now.
applicants sign up to be either a moderator (who handles user report tickets and bans) or a janitor (who handles post approvals and deletions), an admin interviews the applicant, and then they take some time and decide which of the applicants should be picked to fill in the roles.
What are the requirements for someone to become a mod here
dba_afish said:
EDIT: I will say that this function seems like it causes hella lag, in some situations though, so it might be best to use it sparingly, and not just on all svg like I did here.
this actually might just be some bits of svg in general causing the problem. zooming in on the icons on the homepage and scrolling around causes my FPS to drop far below 60. it seems like it's slightly worse with the drop shadows on, but it's still not great without. it might just be that the topology of those star and fire icons are crazy or something.
SNPtheCat said:
Probably a bit too early to ask you for help again, but any idea on how to make a decent-ish stroke for svg icons? text-shadow doesn't work (obviously) and drop-shadow doesn't accommodate fractional pixels :(. And of course the magnifying glass icon for the search is a stroke itself, so that's not nice
are you sure drop-shadow dosn't support non-whole numbers? because with my testing it seems like it does:
svg, .nav-logo a.nav-logo-link { filter: drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -.66px -.66px 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) -.66px .66px 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) .66px -.66px 0) drop-shadow(var(--color-section) .66px .66px 0); }
EDIT: I will say that this function seems like it causes hella lag, in some situations though, so it might be best to use it sparingly, and not just on all svg like I did here.
dba_afish said:
I don't think it would be, the only place that seems to actually contain the forum's index number is part of the reply box way at the bottom of the page. even if there were possible to display the text it'd be a pseudo element so you wouldn't be able to select the text to copy it or can get the individual forum post IDs to display at the bottom of each one with:
.forum-post::before { content: "\a forum #" attr(data-forum-post-id); }but agian, it's not super useful since you can't select the text.
Not particularly interested in selecting the text, so that's not much of a concern for me. Thanks for the help
Probably a bit too early to ask you for help again, but any idea on how to make a decent-ish stroke for svg icons? text-shadow doesn't work (obviously) and drop-shadow doesn't accommodate fractional pixels :(. And of course the magnifying glass icon for the search is a stroke itself, so that's not nice