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In response to blip #127585

Dragonlord2328 said:
Anyone else just use mobile for e6 or do you use it on pc too?

PC only.

My phone's for listening to music on my car's bluetooth, 2-factor authentication stuff and the occasional text to my job or family. Calling for a tow if I need it, maybe. It lives on a shelf with my wallet and keys most of the time.

In response to blip #127608

AoBird said:
Lel, someone got mega butthurt over a simple question.

So this was this "trans catgirl" in a story, and I asked if it was a boy or girl originally (since you can't see the body type), you know just trying to imagine something.
And I got a ban and a record for it.

Apparently, I'm a transphobe for thinking that that person was cool and wanting a number :D

I uhhh… don’t think ranting about it in the blips is a good idea, yo.

Lel, someone got mega butthurt over a simple question.

So this was this "trans catgirl" in a story, and I asked if it was a boy or girl originally (since you can't see the body type), you know just trying to imagine something.
And I got a ban and a record for it.

Apparently, I'm a transphobe for thinking that that person was cool and wanting a number :D

Life can sometimes move quickly and hit hard.

This is why I have invested in a Focus Sash and learned both Endeavor and Quick Attack, allowing me to tank the hit with 1 HP remaining, equalize Life's HP with mine, then attack with a priority move so that it gets knocked out before I do.

So funny story i couldnt find my warhammer skitarii stands so i ordered some online 2 mins later i find them so cancelled that and saved some money i also couldve used the stands on a set of a faction i own but dont even play which i got sent with another set on ebay lol

In response to blip #127596

Grab-n-Stash said:
What's next, Bad Dragon, Rule 34 or e621 license plate holders?

okay, this is kinda tangential, but like... the fact that there's no official e621 merch is kinda criminal. I mean, with a mascot as cute and plush-able as Esix and _the most_ enamel pin logo of all time.

I'm back again with another car story. Unfortunately not the "YIFF ME" license plate again but something still odd. On my way to work earlier this morning, I came across a license plate holder on the back of someone's car with the Brazzers logo. Since when were there porn companies making things for a license plate? What's next, Bad Dragon, Rule 34 or e621 license plate holders? (If any of what I said is the case let me know and show a picture if you can. Please don't be that guy and say something like "does he know?" and leave me in the dark.) I also came across a car that had the pattern of a ladybug on my way home with the black dots being Disney stickers. There was even a Mickey Mouse hand on the windshield wiper on the back window of their car.

In response to blip #127585

Dragonlord2328 said:
Anyone else just use mobile for e6 or do you use it on pc too?

the only thing i use my phone for these days is when going out and about, and the last thing i want to get caught doing out and about is looking at hardcore furry porn

In response to blip #127585

@dba_afish: I guess that makes sense. Maybe I just haven't been out enough to really see its effect.

@Dragonlord2328: I usually only go to e6 on my laptop. Only recently have I been accessing it on my phone, though, usually only for blips.

In response to blip #127583

boring is kind of, like, the point, though. it's meditative, great for creative blocks or just processing.

I will agree that I never really "got" public parks. if I'm going outside to _be_ outside, I want my chance of directly interacting with another individual, even for a moment, to be like 1/12 at most; nature/hiking trails only.

I will probably stop tagging colors if those stupid "[color] dragon" tag keeps getting in the way...

I can imagine a Protogen driving a Cybertruck. It kinda fits their background.




found this really awesome artist who's been active on DA for upwards of 20 years
gonna be busy uploading everything...

the method that the site uses to replace a thumbnail with the ''Blacklisted'' image is kind of surprisingly simple. they really just take the image and nudge it downwards past the end of the element until it's not visible.

since I know that I can disable it for user avatars like you used to be able to do with a settings option prior to the e6ng update.


In response to blip #127542

HenloFurret said:
You ever meet someone and realize that their personality is focused entirely around one singular thing?

Yeah. Met one just recently. Part of me wonders what they do when things don't involve that interest...

every day i see people like that. it's always hell under the ultraviolet sun

You ever meet someone and realize that their personality is focused entirely around one singular thing?

Yeah. Met one just recently. Part of me wonders what they do when things don't involve that interest...