Topic: Art Review and Critique

e621 is already a great place to get some totally unbiased, unfiltered, and honest review from people. Only problems are that not every image posted gets a review, not every piece of critique is helpful, and often times people critique finished pieces. It's so much more helpful when you get comments and review on a piece BEFORE you finish it up and move on to another. So lets have a review/critique thread!

The idea is for artists to post up some of their art, preferably a work in progress, and get constructive feedback on it. So if you have something you're working on, post a link to it and we'll give some feedback.


(more like guidelines)

1.) The idea is to give out and receive constructive criticism, so please keep your critique polite, and explain your opinions instead of just leaving a 1 or 2 word complaint. "That sucks" is not valid critique, "The arm seems wrong" is alright, but "There's something off with the perspective on the left arm. The biceps look all wrong, maybe try doing [something]" is great! Explaining your issues with a piece is extremely helpful to the artist and gives them ideas on how to fix what's wrong.

2.) As an artist, you're coming here to receive reviews, so expect a few comments about what's wrong with the image, and when you get some don't take them personally. If someone gives you a critique, feel free to defend your reasoning but don't get upset about it. Just keep in mind that reviews can only make your art better.

3.) Since some people browse the forums on e926 (SFW mode) please mark any links that are NSFW as such.

Updated by SirBrownBear